伪的 Pseudo使用一个算法/一个简单的程序,并使用Python,JavaScript,C#,Go和Ruby为其生成惯用代码。 Pseudo通过两层翻译实现了这一目标:它使用目标语言语法,并且可以使用语言Y的本机标准库来表达语言X的标准库方法/ api git历史 抱歉:我撒谎了,以某种方式重现了git历史,似乎大部分工作是在3月1日之后:我正在2月在一家公司完成我的工作,我想隐藏当时我从事过伪工作的事实:实际上,如果我没有记错的话,我实际上是在2月20日左右开始更积极的工作。 我不确定我是否已经拥有原始的git历史记录:对Clevertech(公司)/任何观察员表示抱歉,这是一件非常丑陋的事情。 概念 Pseudo使用“ Pseudo AST”,它对应于一种非常清晰,静态类型化且某种程度上有限的语言子集: 基本类型和集合以及用于它们的标准库方法 整数,浮点数,字符串,布尔值 清单
2021-02-27 20:05:38 123KB translation transpiler python-compiler pseudo
:Turkey: 土耳其语Flarum扩展体验包 将Flarum扩展名翻译为土耳其语 安装 composer require tolgaaaltas/flarum-ext-turkish 扩展清单 用法 Just activate the extension. 执照
2021-02-18 20:06:21 184KB translation turkish flarum flarum-extension
i18n i18n是最小,灵活,易于使用且易于嵌入(在您自己的程序包中)本地化程序包的。 它接受配置文件和本地化文件的yaml,json或toml。 安装 go get -u github.com/oblq/i18n/v2 快速开始 创建一个新实例: package main import ( "github.com/oblq/i18n/v2" "golang.org/x/text/language" ) func init () { // Optionally pass the config file path and nil config. // The config file can be in yaml, json or toml format. localizer := i18n . NewWithConfig ( & i18n. Config { Locales : [] string { language . English . String (), // "en" la
2021-02-02 20:36:41 340KB i18n go golang translation
说明:原生的Genymotion模拟器只支持x86架构,很多使用了.so文件的应用不支持x86架构,因此无法运行。如果想要运行,安装次ARM转换包即可。 使用步骤: 1.将下载的Genymotion-ARM-Translation.zip拖到Genymotion模拟器界面,进行安装。 2.安装好后,重启模拟器即可。 使用教程:http://www.devio.org/tags/#教程
2020-01-03 11:20:19 13.31MB Genymotion ARM
2019-12-21 22:22:19 13.31MB Genymotion
2019-12-21 22:18:19 13.31MB 支持ARM
本人刚开始学习安卓,安装了Genymotion模拟器,因为服务器在国外,其镜像文件比较难下载到,我在这里为大家提供,附件中有Genymotion 镜像文件+arm translation+谷歌服务,需要的可以下载。
2019-12-21 21:19:29 292KB Genymotion arm translation Gapps
The field of machine translation has recently been energized by the emergence of statistical techniques, which have brought the dream of automatic language translation closer to reality. This class-tested textbook, authored by an active researcher in the field, provides a gentle and accessible introduction to the latest methods and enables the reader to build machine translation systems for any language pair. It provides the necessary grounding in linguistics and probabilities, and covers the major models for machine translation: word-based, phrasebased, and tree-based, as well as machine translation evaluation, language modeling, discriminative training and advanced methods to integrate linguistic annotation. The book reports on the latest research and outstanding challenges, and enables novices as well as experienced researchers to make contributions to the field. It is ideal for students at undergraduate and graduate level, or for any reader interested in the latest developments in machine translation. P H I L I P P KOEHN is a lecturer in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. He is the scientific coordinator of the European EuroMatrix project and is also involved in research funded by DARPA in the USA. He has also collaborated with leading companies in the field, such as Systran and Asia Online. He implemented the widely used decoder Pharaoh, and is leading the development of the open source machine translation toolkit Moses.
2019-12-21 21:02:03 5.45MB 机器翻译 剑桥出版社 koehn
2019-12-21 20:54:45 206KB 机器翻译
Genymotion-ARM-Translation 7.0 可用,genymotion 使用
2019-12-21 20:39:43 13.62MB Genymotion-A