CS294A Lecture notes Sparse autoencoder,Andrew Ng,Stanford University
这是一本关于稀疏表达在信号和图像处理中运用的权威书籍《Sparse and Redundant Representations From Theory to Applications in Signal and Image Processing》,也是第一部关于稀疏表达的书籍。是稀疏表达的大牛Michael Elad编写的。现在在卓越上有的卖,不过要7百多元,太贵,还是搞电子版看实惠点。
2019-12-21 22:17:05 20.26MB Sparse 稀疏表达 Redundant Representations
MATLAB 图像稀疏表示代码,可以实现对输入图像的稀疏表示
2019-12-21 22:15:41 3KB SPARSE MATLAB
大牛ELAD关于sparse representation的代码
2019-12-21 22:14:33 11.95MB sparse representation
Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices (I. S. Duff, A. M. Erisman, J. K. Reid).pdf
2019-12-21 22:10:11 2.34MB DIRECT METHOD
This textbook introduces sparse and redundant representations with a focus on applications in signal and image processing. The theoretical and numerical foundations are tackled before the applications are discussed. Mathematical modeling for signal sources is discussed along with how to use the proper model for tasks such as denoising, restoration, separation, interpolation and extrapolation, compression, sampling, analysis and synthesis, detection, recognition, and more. The presentation is elegant and engaging. Sparse and Redundant Representations is intended for graduate students in applied mathematics and electrical engineering, as well as applied mathematicians, engineers, and researchers who are active in the fields of signal and image processing. * Introduces theoretical and numerical foundations before tackling applications * Discusses how to use the proper model for various situations * Introduces sparse and redundant representations * Focuses on applications in signal and image processing The field of sparse and redundant representation modeling has gone through a major revolution in the past two decades. This started with a series of algorithms for approximating the sparsest solutions of linear systems of equations, later to be followed by surprising theoretical results that guarantee these algorithms’ performance. With these contributions in place, major barriers in making this model practical and applicable were removed, and sparsity and redundancy became central, leading to state-of-the-art results in various disciplines. One of the main beneficiaries of this progress is the field of image processing, where this model has been shown to lead to unprecedented performance in various applications. This book provides a comprehensive view of the topic of sparse and redundant representation modeling, and its use in signal and image processing. It offers a systematic and ordered exposure to the theoretical foundations of this data model, the numerical aspec
2019-12-21 22:06:52 14.08MB Sparse Representation
2019-12-21 22:00:24 933KB Signal Sparse
Image Super-Resolution Via Sparse Representation的中文版本
2019-12-21 21:34:41 5.31MB Sparse prior image
基于稀疏表示的人脸识别系统设计 采用sparse 中的L1-norm minimization 基于经典入门论文《face recogniton via sparse representation》 MATLAB程序,完全运行,包含基本GUI设计和完整代码 可以参考说明一步步跑下来,希望能帮助大家
2019-12-21 21:23:26 13.37MB sparse 人脸识别 MATLAB 完整运行
斯坦福大学 机器学习大牛 Andrew Ng的sparse autoencoder 课程讲义
2019-12-21 20:24:43 583KB sparse autoencoder