Graphics programming is the magic behind video games, film, and scientific simulation. Every explosion, dust particle, and lens flare you see on a computer screen is processed through a graphics card. In addition, because modern operating systems use the graphics processing unit (GPU) to draw their content, every pixel you see is rendered through the GPU and through software developed by a graphics programmer. It’s a broad topic, but one that has traditionally been the province of a select few. Even to experienced software developers, rendering is often considered a dark art, full of complex mathematics and esoteric tools. Furthermore, the rapid pace of advancement makes modern graphics programming a moving target, and establishing a foothold can be difficult.
2020-01-03 11:37:20 16.12MB DirectX HLSL
Direct3D Rendering Cookbook
2019-12-21 21:31:43 31.76MB Direct3D Rendering Cookbook
Real-Time Rendering 4th Edition完整版 全彩 pdf 892MB 这里挂的是百度云链接
2019-12-21 21:31:21 66B realtime ren 实时渲染 图形学
Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition 实时渲染最新版 第四版PDF,下载地址见文档....
2019-12-21 21:16:37 64B 渲染 RealTime
Real-time Rendering 第三版,非常好的实时渲染的书,非扫描版。而且是彩色版
2019-12-21 21:03:23 25.12MB Render Computer Graphics
2019-12-21 20:22:43 15.47MB directx real time rendering
This straightforward, step-by-step text is designed to demystify modern graphics programming, so you can quickly start writing effective, efficient code with DirectX and HLSL. Long-time graphics programmer and instructor Paul Varcholik starts with a basic primer on 3D graphics and rendering, as well as the essential math and "tools of the trade." Next, he introduces shaders
2019-12-21 19:52:07 15.54MB Directx11 HLSL 3D
Unity3D调用Native OpenGL,Unity3D支持调用C++工程的OpenGL渲染,使用RenderingPlugin DLL方式。
2019-12-21 19:44:37 15.19MB Unity3D Native OpenGL Rendering
Real Time Rendering 4th Edition 高清版 ,带目录。
2019-12-21 19:29:30 28.59MB render
提起PBRT(Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation)这本书, 在图形学业界可是鼎鼎大名, 该书获得2005年软件界Jolt图书类大奖. 这本书与众不同的是把当今图形学相当高级的理论成就联系到具体实现上来, 系统而又细致地阐述如何作出一流水准的图形渲染器的方方面面
2019-12-21 19:26:26 38.79MB PBRT 第三版 PBR 基于物理渲染