Wouldn't it be great if there were a physics book that showed you how things work instead of telling you how? Finally, with Head First Physics, there is. This comprehensive book takes the stress out of learning mechanics and practical physics by providing a fun and engaging experience, especially for students who "just don't get it." Head First Physics offers a format that's rich in visuals and full of activities, including pictures, illustrations, puzzles, stories, and quizzes -- a mixed-media style proven to stimulate learning and retention. One look will convince you: This isn't mere theory, this is physics brought to life through real-world scenarios, simple experiments, and hypothetical projects. Head First Physics is perfect for anyone who's intrigued by how things work in the natural world. You'll quickly discover that physics isn't a dry subject. It's all about the world we live in, encompassing everything from falling objects and speeding cars, to conservation of energy and gravity and weightlessness, and orbital behavior. This book: Helps you think like a physicist so you can understand why things really work the way they do Gives you relevant examples so you can fully grasp the principles before moving on to more complex concepts Designed to be used as a supplement study guide for the College Board's Advanced Placement Physics B Exam Introduces principles for the purpose of solving real-world problems, not memorization Teaches you how to measure, observe, calculate -- and yes -- how to do the math Covers scientific notation, SI units, vectors, motion, momentum conservation, Newton's Laws, energy conservation, weight and mass, gravitation and orbits, circular motion and simple harmonic motion, and much more If "Myth Busters" and other TV programs make you curious about our physical world -- or if you're a student forced to take a physics course -- now you can pursue the subject without the dread of boredom or the fear that it will be over your head. Head First Physics comes to rescue with an innovative, engaging, and inspirational way to learn physics!
2022-01-13 01:26:18 6.59MB Head First Physics 物理
入门即精通:简单学Java (Head First Java) 中文笔记
《Head First Android开发》如果你有一个很好的想法,要开发一流的Android应用,这本书会帮你用最快的速度构建你的第一个实际应用。你会学到一些实践技巧,掌握如何建立应用的结构,如何设计界面,如何创建数据库,如何让你的应用同时适用手机和平板电脑,以及很多其他方面。这就像是有一位富有经验的Android开发人员坐在你旁边!你只需要对Java有一些了解就能轻松地学习这本书。
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First Servlets and JSP 2nd Edition 英文版
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讲述常用的设计模式 对于开发者很用帮助
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2021-12-21 06:06:57 22.44MB OOD Head First
Head First Design Patterns(Head First 设计模式) 附件为中文版本,自己花钱买的书,质量很好的PDF文档,不是扫描版,很清晰,好东西大家分享,绝对正版。
2021-12-21 01:58:36 44.26MB Head First 设计模式中文版