Cloud Native: Using Containers, Functions, and Data to Build Next-Generation Applications This comprehensive guide helps developers and architects understand current cloud-native technologies, with recommendations that explain when you need to use each one. Authors Boris Scholl, Trent Swanson, and Peter Jausovec describe the patterns you need for building cloud-native applications, and provide best practices for the most common tasks such as messaging, eventing, and DevOps. This practical book also delivers an architectural blueprint for a modern cloud-native application. You’ll learn about microservices, containers, serverless computing, storage types, data considerations, portability, and the use of functions. Differentiate between containers and functions, and understand when to use which technology Leverage Service Meshes to move complexity, such as distributed tracing and mutual TLS handshakes, away from the developer Use messaging and eventing as the glue for the cloud-native composite applications Handle state-in distributed applications Understand what makes your application portable
2021-03-12 22:52:53 2.12MB cloud
2021-03-10 18:06:39 1KB JavaScript
JavaScript函数实验室简介 目标 练习写作功能 解释使用字符串的基础知识 解释return和记录之间的区别 练习使用return和console.log() 介绍 欢迎来到JavaScript函数实验室! 您会在本课程中注意到一些以前从未遇到过的新事物。 不用担心,我们将带您了解他们。 即使您之前已经看过其中一些内容,在进行代码编写时还是要进行回顾,这是一个好主意-毕竟我们现在正在编写函数。 代号 现在,在文本编辑器中打开index.js 。 您应该什么也看不到。 我们会尽快解决。 现在打开test/root.js 嘿,有什么! 这些东西都在做什么? 在文件的最顶部,您会看到 global . expect = require ( 'expect' ) ; const babel = require ( 'babel-core' ) ; const jsdom = requi
2021-02-17 18:06:26 10KB JavaScript
We have seen a lot of unique features off vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs), such as low power consumption, wafer-level testing, small packaging capability, and so on. The market of VCSELs has been growing up rapidly in recent years and they are now the key devices in local area networks using multi-mode optical fibers. In addition, new functions on VCSELs have been demonstrated. In this paper, the recent advances of VCSEL photonics will be reviewed, which include the wavelength e
2021-02-10 16:05:25 2.29MB 纳米孔径 垂直腔面 极化 近场
BKK-Type bound on the zeros of spline functions
2021-02-09 09:06:37 206KB 研究论文
HttpClientFactory.Azure.Functions [已存档] 该项目已存档,因为它不再是最佳方法。 您可以阅读更多内容。 显示如何将HttpClientFactory与Azure函数一起使用的示例。 你可以在这里阅读更多: 捐献 我的博客和开源项目是我对软件开发的热情的结果,但是它们需要我个人的大量时间。 如果您从我创造的任何内容中都获得了价值,那么感谢您的支持,请为。 版权和许可 版权所有:copyright:2018-2019 TomaszPęczek 根据
azure-functions-swift:Swift中的Azure函数! 纯粹在Swift中!
2021-01-29 20:10:12 87KB microsoft swift cloud sdk
terraform-azurerm-functionapp:部署具有所有依赖项和最少配置的专用或基于使用的Function App
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Azure功能样板 这是开始使用Azure Functions v3和依赖注入的快速样板。 目标 依赖注入所有事情 不再需要AccessKey和ConnectionString 智能配置/选项(以代码配置) 更好的取消支持(正常关机) 更容易的部署模板(CI / CD) 执照 该项目已获得
SignalNow:无服务器信令和实时消息传递 SignalNow是使用和构建的实时信令服务。 SignalNow的主要功能: 无服务器。 借助Azure Functions和SignalR进行实时,轻松地扩展。 使用 , , 以及基于密钥的机制进行集成身份验证的可扩展身份验证。 如何开始 (.NET Core 2.2,Unity 2018.3+)。 部署到Azure 最小的C#示例 using System ; using Microsoft . SignalNow . Client ; string graphName = " signalnowkey " ; // Use "" for Azure Active Directory (AAD) and Microsoft Graph, or "" for GitHub string userName = " vlad " ; // or "" for AAD, or "vladkol" for GitHub strin
2021-01-28 11:24:15 5.77MB real-time azure azure-functions signalr