数据挖掘之 关联规则 Aprori 和 fp-growth 函数库的调用
2021-06-16 20:02:51 650KB 数据挖掘 Apriori FP-growth
松下PLC FP-XH模拟量+PID控制 MODBUS RTU通讯 视频教程 松下PLC FP-XH视频教程 松下PLC模拟量视频教程 松下PLC PID控制视频教程 松下PLC MODBUS RTU通讯 控制变频 视频教程 视频教程700M左右
2021-06-16 09:00:19 762.86MB 松下PLC教程
Shaders need shader model 3.0+, hands also looks pretty at standard and mobile shaders. PBR Arms and Hands for female and male characters in standalone and mobile versions.. Assets use our custom and fast standard skin shader which supported features like: Translucency, Tint, Rim light, Ramp. With smart sliders you are able to control every aspect of the shader. Skin shader could be also used for other parts of character as basic skin shader. Models are animated and they contains pack of basic animations like: catching, throwing, fist fighting, idle, 3 spells, sword/knife fighting, pistol shooting. This pack contains: - Female and male arms for first person games in standalone and mobile versions. - Female and male hands for VR games in standalone and mobile versions. - All textures in 3 variants - Blood and Dirt support - Controllers for left and right hand/arms - 16 Animations for Arms - 21 Animations for Hands - Standard PBR skin shader - Test models: pistol and sword - Example and test system to control your hands and arms - Example and test VR and FP characters - Mecanim controllers for each hand - 35 Arms and hands textures (4096x4096) - 3 Ramp textures (256x16)
2021-06-08 18:25:46 72B VR Unity3d
LISFLOOD-FP is a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model specifically designed to simulate floodplain inundation in a computationally efficient manner over complex topography. It is capable of simulating grids up to 106 cells for dynamic flood events and can take advantage of new sources of terrain information from remote sensing techniques such as airborne laser altimetry and satellite interferometric radar.
2021-05-21 09:31:59 978KB LISFLOOD 内涝计算模型
清华大学出品的数据挖掘&机器学习课件,非常适合大学生和职场新手新手,也适合老鸟复习回顾,完全可用于自学入门,很经典好用的PPT课件哦~ 第1章 数据挖掘概念介绍.pptx 第2章 分类 Bayes贝叶斯 SVM支持向量机分类算法.pptx 第3章 聚类算法介绍.pptx 第4章 关联规则 Apriori FP-Growth算法.pptx 第5章 综合实战:日志的挖掘与应用.pptx 第6章 数据挖掘应用案例 电力分析 银行信贷 指数预测 客户分群营销 房屋估价.pptx 第1章 数据挖掘概念介绍.pptx 第2章 分类 Bayes贝叶斯 SVM支持向量机分类算法.pptx 第3章 聚类算法介绍.pptx 第4章 关联规则 Apriori FP-Growth算法.pptx 第5章 综合实战:日志的挖掘与应用.pptx 第6章 数据挖掘应用案例 电力分析 银行信贷 指数预测 客户分群营销 房屋估价.pptx
2021-05-18 09:07:53 3.99MB 数据挖掘 机器学习 PPT 课件
2021-05-17 15:38:57 3.54MB 编程手册
2021-05-12 15:48:41 5KB FP树算法
松下FPWINPro7.0 FP-X编程软件 松下PLC编程软件
2021-05-08 09:00:21 792.33MB 松下PLC编程软件
《类型与编程语言》 学FP的同学可能需要这本书
2021-05-06 13:42:32 2MB fp haskell
2021-05-05 19:18:09 639KB 数据挖掘