Enhance Security Awareness with Data Mining Data-driven Intrusion Detection Solutions in Alibaba Cloud
2021-08-21 19:00:48 2.55MB 安全
统计学习数据挖掘推理和预测的要素 This is page v Printer: Opaque this To our parents: Valerie and Patrick Hastie Vera and Sami Tibshirani Florence and Harry Friedman and to our families: Samantha, Timothy, and Lynda Charlie, Ryan, Julie, and Cheryl Melanie, Dora, Monika, and Ildiko vi This is page vii Printer: Opaque this Preface to the Second Edition In God we trust, all others bring data. –William Edwards Deming (1900-1993)1 We have been gratified by the popularity of the first edition of The Elements of Statistical Learning. This, along with the fast pace of research in the statistical learning field, motivated us to update our book with a second edition. We have added four new chapters and updated some of the existing chapters. Because many readers are familiar with the layout of the first edition, we have tried to change it as little as possible. Here is a summary of the main changes: 1On the Web, this quote has been widely attributed to both Deming and Robert W. Hayden; however Professor Hayden told us that he can claim no credit for this quote, and ironically we could find no “data” confirming that Deming actually said this. viii Preface to the Second Edition Chapter What’s new 1. Introduction 2. Overview of Supervised Learning 3. Linear Methods for Regression LAR algorithm and generalizations of the lasso 4. Linear Methods for Classification Lasso path for logistic regression 5. Basis Expansions and Regulariza- Additional illustrations of RKHS tion 6. Kern
2021-08-11 17:38:24 12.22MB 预测
华为企业大数据挖掘专家认证 HCIE-Big Data-Data Mining V2.0 考试,覆盖: 数据挖掘介绍 预备知识(数学基础知识、Python 基础知识) 大数据常用组件(如 Hadoop/HDFS/Zookeeper/HBase/MapReduce/Yarn/Hive/Flink/Flume/Kafka/Loader/ElasticSearch/R edis) 数据预处理 特征选择与降维 有监督学习 无监督学习 模型评估与优化 数据挖掘综合应用 Spark MLlib 数据挖掘 Spark 基于内存的分布式计算 华为云机器学习服务 大数据架构和大数据治理 大数据服务解决方案 大数据场景化解决方案(离线处理场景、实时检索场景、实时流计算场景) 大数据挖掘 华为认证的内容将不定期进行更新和优化,考察内容将围绕大数据知识范围进行项目延展和能力扩展。
2021-08-10 14:06:19 6.9MB HCIE H13-736 数据挖掘
数据库中的知识发现(Knowledge Discovery in Database,简称KDD)是一个从数据库中挖掘有效的、新颖的、潜在有用的和最终可理解的模式的复杂过程。 1)数据是一组事实的集合,它可以来自不同的数据源,可以是规则数据,也可以是非规则数据。 2)模式是关于数据子集的某种语言描述的表达式或某种可应用的模型,又称为知识。 3)模式必须是有效的、新颖的、潜在有用的和最终可理解的,分别用可信度、新颖度、可用度和简单度对其进行评价
2021-08-07 16:22:03 1.45MB 数据挖掘
华为HCIE-Big Data-Data Mining V2.0大数据培训教材和实验文档
2021-08-06 13:08:37 31.07MB 华为 HCIE 大数据
Data Mining The Textbook 是数据挖掘很好的教材资料课程,虽然是英文版,但是还是能够深入
2021-08-06 12:05:32 16.46MB 数据挖掘 文档
2021-08-04 04:15:43 1.83MB 数据挖掘
Learn to run your application on single as well as multiple machines Customize search in your application as per your requirements Acquaint yourself with storing crawled webpages in a database and use them according to your needs
2021-07-26 22:02:42 2.14MB 爬虫、nutch
EasyOCR 即用型OCR,具有80多种以及所有流行的书写脚本,包括拉丁文,中文,阿拉伯文,梵文,西里尔文等。 什么是新的 2021年4月20日-版本1.3.1 添加对PIL图像的支持(感谢 ) 添加塔吉克语(tjk) 更新命令行的参数设置 当paragraph=True时,添加x_ths和y_ths来控制合并行为 2021年3月21日-版本1.3 第二代模型:比第一代模型小很多倍,推断速度快好几倍,附加字符,准确性可比。 EasyOCR默认情况下会选择最新的模型,但是您也可以在创建Reader实例时通过传递recog_network参数来指定要使用的模型。 例如, reader = easyocr.Reader(['en','fr'], recog_network = 'latin_g1')将使用第一代拉丁模型。 所有模型的列表: 2021年2月22日-版本1.2.5 添
2021-07-08 20:21:56 9KB game data-mining awesome games