下面小编就为大家分享一篇浅谈ASP.NET MVC 防止跨站请求伪造(CSRF)攻击的实现方法,具有很好的参考价值,希望对大家有所帮助。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
2021-12-06 16:51:43 90KB ASP.NET MVC 防止 跨站请求
One of the leading open source frontend frameworks, Bootstrap has undergone a significant change and introduced several features that make designing compelling, next-generation UIs much simpler. Integrating Bootstrap with ASP.NET’s powerful components can further enhance its capabilities. This book guides you through the process of creating an ASP.NET MVC website from scratch using Bootstrap. You will learn about the various Bootstrap components as well as techniques to include them in your own projects. The book includes practical examples to show you how to use open source plugins with Bootstrap and ASP.NET MVC and guides you through building an ASP.NET MVC website using Bootstrap, utilizing layout and user interface components. At the end of this book, you will find some valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Bootstrap- and ASP.NET MVC-integrated website. What You Will Learn Create a new ASP.Net MVC 6 project that uses Bootstrap for its styling and learn how to include external libraries using the new package managers Learn to use the various Bootstrap CSS and HTML elements, and how to use the new Bootstrap 4 grid layout system with ASP.Net MVC Explore the different input groups and implement alerts, progress bars, and badges Explore JavaScript components by illustrating and walking through the process of using JavaScript/JQuery to add interactivity to Twitter Bootstrap components Build your own ASP.Net MVC helpers and tag helpers to reduce the amount of HTML needed to generate Bootstrap elements in your projects Convert a Bootstrap HTML template into a usable ASP.Net MVC project Use the jQuery DataTables plugin with Bootstrap and ASP.Net MVC Learn to include and use the TwitterBootstrapMVC library in an ASP.Net MVC project
2021-12-04 14:33:24 7.42MB ASP.Net MVC6 Bootstrap4
2021-12-04 14:04:26 26.07MB Asp.Net MVC三层架构 SQLServer2012 C#
基于ASP.NET MVC框架的学习项目,包含MVC的框架的设计思路,通俗易懂学习MVC框架,需要VS2010及以上版本打开,初学者可以快速理解MVC的构思以及开发。
2021-11-30 16:47:00 1.29MB ASP.NET MVC
主要功能: 字体,字号,段落格式,加粗,斜体,下划线,上标,下标,删除线,左对齐,居中,右对齐,全选,剪切,复制,粘贴,撤消,恢复,编号,项目符号,减少缩进量,增加缩进量,替换,插入超级链接,去掉超级链接,插入表格,插入行,删除行,插入列,删除列,插入水平线,字体颜色,字体背景颜色,特效字体,插入特殊符号,取消格式,清理代码,插入图片,插入Flash,插入Windows Media,插入Real Media,插入大表情,插入QQ表情,插入代码,插入引用,隐藏内容,上传并插入图片 特色功能: 首先漂亮,提供调用编辑器时候可以自定义颜色! 然后操作简单,简单的一塌糊涂,呵呵,功能虽然多,可是绝对的精简,用最少的代码实现了最适用的功能! 还有该编辑不是JS调用格式,纯ASP调用编辑菜单,安全性绝佳! 另外,这个编辑器代码绝对精简,比起一般大型的编辑器,非常容易修改,改造成适用于自己的编辑器!
2021-11-30 14:07:19 454KB asp.net mvc 在线编辑器
适合初学者,Asp.net商城小案例,工作中要C/S 转 B/S.坑还是有很多,希望有所帮助
2021-11-29 19:19:49 19.16MB ASP.net MVC 网购商城
现价六百元的ASP.NET MVC人才招聘项目完整代码包和数据库及工具!!物超所值,买不吃亏,买不上当!!
2021-11-27 16:10:26 133.82MB ASP.NETE MVC 人才招聘网站
Linux(CentOS)下采用配置Mono和Jexus 部署C#、ASP.NET MVC、WCF、WebApi、.NET Core(用户体系一套)
2021-11-18 17:12:41 607KB 开源
前言 文件上传与下载的操作在实际项目中经常是很重要的一个内容,在使用ASP.NET Web Form的时候我们可以使用诸多的服务器控件,FileIpload就是其中之一,但是在ASP.NET不建议使用那些服务器控件,因为那样违反三层架构原则。最近参考网络资料,学习了ASP.NET MVC如何上传文件。 而这篇文章主要重点是asp.net mvc 实现文件上传带进度条,下面来一起看看吧。 实现思路 ajax异步上传文件,且开始上传文件的时候启动轮询来实时获取文件上传进度。保存进度我采用的是memcached缓存,因为项目其他地方也用了的,所以就直接用这个啦。注意:不能使用session来保存进度
2021-11-17 16:15:07 87KB AS asp asp.net
关于Asp.net MVC 开发的网站部署问题
2021-11-10 14:37:15 408KB Mvc