Algebraic Graph Theory-Springer (2001).pdf S. Axler
2021-03-03 20:51:16 19.38MB graph theory
Semiconductor Optics (Springer,3rd Edition,Claus Klingshirn)
2021-02-18 15:24:18 14.58MB 半导体 semiconductor optics 光学
2021-01-28 04:09:27 104.69MB Springer Handbook Robotics
The template, splnproc1110.dotm, has been designed for authors preparing a paper to be published in one of Springer’s computer science proceedings series. The template supports Word 2007 and newer. Predefined style formats are available for all the necessary structures to be included in the manuscript, and these formats can be quickly accessed using a custom ribbon tab provided with the template. For a detailed description of how to prepare your text, illustrations, and references, see the Author Guidelines for the Preparation of Contributions to Springer Computer Science Proceedings.
2020-02-13 03:18:33 2.22MB Springer
网上资源五花八门,找到了最准确的Springer LNCS模板供大家使用,希望大家专心学术,多发高质量论文~
2020-02-13 03:09:19 106KB LNCS模板 Springer
Data Mining: The Textbook By 作者: Charu C. Aggarwal ISBN-10 书号: 3319141414 ISBN-13 书号: 9783319141411 Edition 版本: 2015 出版日期: 2015-04-14 pages 页数: (734 ) $89.99 This textbook explores the different aspects of data mining from the fundamentals to the complex data types and their applications, capturing the wide diversity of problem domains for data mining issues. It goes beyond the traditional focus on data mining problems to introduce advanced data types such as text, time series, discrete sequences, spatial data, graph data, and social networks. Until now, no single book has addressed all these topics in a comprehensive and integrated way. The chapters of this book fall into one of three categories: Fundamental chapters: Data mining has four main problems, which correspond to clustering, classification, association pattern mining, and outlier analysis. These chapters comprehensively discuss a wide variety of methods for these problems. Domain chapters: These chapters discuss the specific methods used for different domains of data such as text data, time-series data, sequence data, graph data, and spatial data. Application chapters: These chapters study important applications such as stream mining, Web mining, ranking, recommendations, social networks, and privacy preservation. The domain chapters also have an applied flavor. Appropriate for both introductory and advanced data mining courses, Data Mining: The Textbook balances mathematical details and intuition. It contains the necessary mathematical details for professors and researchers, but it is presented in a simple and intuitive style to improve accessibility for students and industrial practitioners (including those with a limited mathematical background). Numerous illustrations, examples, and exercises are included, with an emphasis on semantically interpretable examples.
2020-01-21 03:14:33 9.81MB network
Numerical mathematics is the branch of mathematics that proposes, develops, analyzes and applies methods from scientific computing to several fields including analysis, linear algebra, geometry, approximation theory, functional equations, optimization and differential equations. Other disciplines such as physics, the natural and biological sciences, engineering, and economics and the financial sciences frequently give rise to problems that need scientific computing for their solutions.
2020-01-09 03:02:23 7.34MB maths numerical analysis
Springer DSP Architecture Essentials Ebook
2020-01-03 11:36:38 20.59MB DSP Architecture
Springer 会议用LaTeX 模板, Springer 官网下载后并不能马上使用,本资源对官网代码进行整合,使其下载后可以立即使用
2020-01-03 11:31:17 172KB Springer LaTeX Tempate latex模板
这本书是Ovidiu Furdui在过去十年中教授,研究和解决问题的成果。 本书提供了一个不寻常的问题集合,专门研究数学分析的三个主题:极限,级数和分数部分积分。 全书共分三章,每章分别讨论一个具体的题目和两个附录。 每一章都包含一些由书中的其他问题所激发的一些难题,这些难题被收集在一个题为“未解决的问题”的特别小节中,其中很少以问题出现在书中的顺序列出。 这些问题可以考虑作为研究问题或项目给有微积分背景的学生,以及喜欢数学研究和数学发现的读者。
2020-01-03 11:17:05 5.4MB Springer 极限 级数 问题集