2021-03-15 16:21:22 2.1MB PCB CAM
Artemis-odb 是一个基于Java的框架。 它是成熟的,积极维护的,是流行的的延续。 强调 完整的Android, 和iOS支持。 高性能,GC友好型,! 通过编译时可选)组件和。 序列或 。 自动跟踪和维护。 带有快速原型制作(可选)。 从Artemis克隆轻松迁移。 有关更多详细信息,请参见 。 快速! Artemis-odb是Artemis最快的化身之一! 不要相信我们,请自行检查并! 操作数/秒。 越高越好。 向他人学习! 提供了数十种带有来源的! 商业使用! 扩展您的工具包! 入门 社区 与我们分享您的想法和问题! Maven < dependency
sqlite下载,包含动态库、def文件和源代码,可以再odb编译时使用 SQLite,是一款轻型的数据库,是遵守ACID的关系型数据库管理系统,它包含在一个相对小的C库中。它是D.RichardHipp建立的公有领域项目。它的设计目标是嵌入式的,而且已经在很多嵌入式产品中使用了它,它占用资源非常的低,在嵌入式设备中,可能只需要几百K的内存就够了。它能够支持Windows/Linux/Unix等等主流的操作系统,同时能够跟很多程序语言相结合,比如 Tcl、C#、PHP、Java等,还有ODBC接口,同样比起Mysql、PostgreSQL这两款开源的世界著名数据库管理系统来讲,它的处理速度比他们都快。SQLite第一个Alpha版本诞生于2000年5月。 至2019年已经有19个年头,SQLite也迎来了一个版本 SQLite 3已经发布。
2021-01-28 03:08:11 12.96MB sqlite odb sqlite3
ActiveX controls are an important ingredient in Microsoft's emerging "object model" approach to the Internet, applications, development tools, and operating systems. Written by a former data management consultant and current program manager at Microsoft in the Visual Languages group, ACTIVEX CONTROLS INSIDE OUT is a comprehensive update to the successful first edition, OLE Controls Inside Out. This book contains the latest on MFC, changes to OLE, and Visual Basic and Microsoft Internet Explorer support for hosting ActiveX controls. It is an indispensable resource for all those programming for Windows® and the Internet. ACTIVEX CONTROLS INSIDE OUT topics include: * Philosophy of the development process * Background of ActiveX and OLE * COM extensions for controls * Microsoft tools for creating ActiveX controls * ActiveX Controls and the Internet * ActiveX control licensing * Converting a VBX and subclassing Windows controls * 16-bit-to-32-bit and cross-platform issues * Microsoft guidelines for ActiveX Controls and control containers * Visual C++®, MFC, and the ActiveX Template Library (ATL) If you want to build powerful ActiveX controls for Windows and the Internet, here's how to do it, inside and out.
2020-02-22 03:04:21 83.58MB ActiveX controls inside out
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2020-02-16 03:14:18 15.3MB odb++插件
Inside OLE中文版 本不错的,虽然可以看英文版,但是很难的内容,看起来很费劲,所以还是看看中文版再说吧。
2020-01-03 11:25:25 35.68MB InsideOLE2 COM
nside君的MySQL网络培训班课程特点: 业界最权威的MySQL数据库培训师姜承尧老师(也就是Inside君本人啦)亲授.姜承尧老师出版了《MySQL技术内幕:InnoDB存储引擎》、《MySQL内核:InnoDB存储引擎》等Mysql书籍。 课程紧密结合互联网公司实践,学员能够领略到BAT、网易等大公司的数据库架构与应用案例 课纲结合最新的MySQL 5.6、5.7版本,使得学员学到的都是最新的内容 充分掌握课程内容的学员年薪至少在25W起,第1期的学员已经证明了培训的价值 优秀学员可以获得姜老师的BAT等大型互联网公司的内推 面试技巧与简历模板(新增),帮助学员拿到更好的offer MySQL 安装与引擎 day001-MySQL 5.7介绍和安装 day002-MySQL 5.7安装多实例 day003-MySQL升级 参数 连接 权限 day004-MySQL权限拾 遗Role模拟 Workbench 体系结构 day005-slow_log generic_log audit 存储引擎一 day006-存储引擎二 多实例安装上 day007-MySQL 多实例下 SSL MySQL 数据类型和SQL查询 开发 day008-MySQL 数据类型 day009-精通JSON类型 day010-Employees 临时表的创建 外键约束 day011-SQL语法之SELECT day012-子查询 INSERT UPDATE DELETE REPLACE day013-作业讲解一 Rank 视图 UNION 触发器上 day014-触发器下 存储过程 自定义函数 MySQL 执行计划与优化器 day015-索引 B+树 上 day016-索引 B+树 下 Explain 1 day017-Explain 2 MySQL innodb引擎优化 day018-磁盘 day019-磁盘测试 day020-InnoDB_1 表空间 General day021-InnoDB_2 SpaceID.PageNumber 压缩表) day022-InnoDB_3 透明表空间压缩 索引组织表 day023-InnoDB_4 页(2) 行记录 day024-InnoDB_5 – heap_number Buffer Poo day025-InnoDB_6 Buffer Pool与压缩页 CheckPoint LSN day026-InnoDB_7 doublewrite ChangeBuffer AHI FNP MySQL 索引与innodb锁机制 day027-Secondary Index day028-join算法锁_1 day029-锁_2 day030-锁_3 day031-锁_4 day032-锁_5 day032-锁5标清 day033-锁_6 事物_1 day033-锁_6 事物1标清 day034-事物_2 MySQL 性能衡量 day035-redo_binlog_xa day036-undo_sysbench day036-undosysbench标清 day037-tpcc_mysqlslap MySQL 备份与恢复 day038-purge死锁举例_MySQL backup备份_1 day039-MySQL backup备份恢复_2 MySQL 复制技术与高可用 day040-MySQL 备份恢复backup_3_replication_1 day041-backup_4-replication_2 day042-replication_3 day043-replication_4-GTID 1 day044-replication_5-GTID 2
2019-12-21 22:13:38 11KB Mysql 姜承尧
2019-12-21 21:59:24 310KB ODB++ 解析 结构 说明
Let me start with a few words about the lead author of this book, Itzik Ben-Gan. He is a mentor, consultant, presenter, teacher, and writer. All his roles have a common theme— Microsoft SQL Server programming. But wait—there’s even more: he is an MVP (officially “Microsoft Valued Professional,” but often interpreted as Most Valuable Programmer) and a close partner with many SQL Server developers in Redmond, Washington. The combination of these traits puts Itzik into a unique position when writing a book about SQL Server programming. He knows what works and what does not. He knows what performs and what does not. He knows what questions people ask when he is teaching. And he knows what people grasp easily and what they don’t when it comes to introducing more complex concepts of SQL Server programming.
2019-12-21 21:53:29 12.63MB SQLServer 2008 Programming 英文版
2019-12-21 21:52:39 15.08MB Inside_NAND_Flas