2022-02-21 19:10:28 144.2MB MVVM 记事本搜索 批量删除
2022-02-15 11:38:05 1.05MB Android开发
Effective Application Development with Model-View-ViewModel Harness the power of WPF and Silverlight to produce clean, testable, maintainable code This book was conceived from a need to explain the MVVM pattern and how it helps structure WPF and Silverlight applications. I had worked on a number of projects where these technologies were used but general best practices were ignored because no one had formally explained the MVVM pattern and how it compared to other patterns such MVP and MVC. In Chapter 1, WPF and Silverlight will be explored in some detail and their respective features highlighted. Chapter 2 introduces the foundation of the MVVM pattern: the databinding model that eclipses the equivalent functionality of Windows Forms or ASP.NET. Chapter 3 explains why the model and the view must be separated in an application and provides various tips and tricks that can help achieve a strict separation of concerns. Chapter 4 introduces the ViewModel that sits between the model and view layers and mediates between the two. Chapter 5 discusses commands and events, weighing up the pros and cons of each. Chapter 6 examines various options for implementing validation into an application. Chapter 7 explores the best side effects of the separation of concerns achieved through MVVM: testability and unit testing. Chapter 8 outlines how to implement a Data Access Layer into a Silverlight or WPF application and how the ViewModel can interact with this layer. Chapter 9 explains how to serialize an object graph using WPF and MVVM, as well as exploring how WPF and Silverlight applications can be extended. Chapter 10 ends the book with a sample application that ties together many of the features covered along the way.
2022-02-07 14:58:37 4.17MB WPF Silverlight MVVM C#
2022-01-26 18:02:44 194KB 音视频 wpf c# microsoft
WPF datagrid的增删改查,进阶版,有一定的参考价值。可以参考,大家可以下载看看。不要怼我就好。随便看看。
2022-01-21 21:04:00 54KB WPF c# mvvm datagrid
简单手写android开发音乐中MVP模式和MVVM模式的区别,play目录下是mvp模式,myplayer目录下时mvvmm模式-主要是 实现DataListenerContainer容器,musicList 目录主要是解决UI线程和工作线程的切换导致的问题
2022-01-17 14:02:22 12.92MB android开发 设计模式 kotlin mvvm
2022-01-17 09:02:32 168KB 学习资源
2022-01-15 22:02:35 228KB mvvm wpf C#
SwiftDemo 1.1 Moya + MVVM + RxSwift + ObjectMapper 实现网络请求 1.2 网络请求集成 网络超时 1.3 每次网络请求的 开始请求、结束请求 集中到 同一个地方,避免每次网络请求开始添加 网络指示器,请求结束隐藏 网络指示器 1.4 网络请求错误 也集中到一个地方,统一管理,方便在同一个地方编写网络请求失败提示 1.5 实现了数据 获取失败、数据为空 自动加载数据获取失败、无数据 页面 1.6 实现 UIColor 扩展,可直接使用 RGB 和 Hex 1.7 使用纯代码布局,布局采用 SnapKit 1.8 集成图表绘制 1.9 RxSwift + MVVM 登录的实现 1.10 集成SwiftLint 规范代码 How To Run 1 安装 SwiftLint 2 安装 cocoapods
2022-01-07 17:06:23 48KB rxswift mvvm moya easy-to-use