AWS-SES-Serverless-示例 此仓库是在Lambda调用中使用SES发送电子邮件的示例。 它使用AWS SES nodeJS SDK发送电子邮件。 可以将用于发送电子邮件的各种参数(例如sourceEmail地址,目标电子邮件地址)指定为Deployed APIGateway URL的主体参数。 技术架构: 关于AWS SES的注释 如果您在SES沙箱中,则必须验证发件人和收件人的电子邮件地址。 但是,如果您已移出SES沙箱,则必须仅验证发件人邮件。 与在应用程序中对AWS凭证进行硬编码相比,最佳实践是使用IAM角色。 对于与SES相关的IAM角色,请查看分支。 部署说明:
2021-08-31 15:07:38 517KB nodejs aws serverless example
BL49SP-V0.0.3 带有Bosch CJ125和LSU 4.9的宽带Lambda控制器可用作独立控制器或您自己设计的外接程序。 2层PCB-单面焊接 2020年4月20日-版本0.0.1:基本测试已完成,似乎处于工作状态 0.0.1版-实现的基本功能:0,5V-4,5V等于AFR10-20 0.0.2版-完成了对自动化生产过程的修改-到达了PCB-需要进一步的测试 0.0.2a版-底部丝网上的小修正 0.0.3版-进行较小的更正/添加了用于连接OLED显示器的引脚 更新04.09.2020-版本0.0.2:首次测试显示成品的Lambda控制器处于工作状态。 在空闲模式下,Uout为2.39V(Lambda 1,00)。 在运行模式下,AFR20的Uout为4,56V,AFR10的Uout为0.54V。 所有测量都是使用未经校准的万用表完成的,必须使用经过校准的设备进行验证。 可
2021-08-31 14:59:44 11.88MB HTML
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ExpressApi 该项目是使用Node.js,Express和DynamoDB构建RESTful API的样板。 使用Claudia.js以无服务器方式部署到AWS Lambda和AWS API Gateway,并使用gulp部署到开发本地 建筑 AWS Lambda中提供了简单的REST API,可将数据持久存储到DynamoDB中并取回数据。 Express是一个最小且灵活的Node.js微型Web应用程序框架。 Express提供HTTP实用程序方法和中间件来创建快速API。 API Gateway和Lambda一起提供了一种安全,轻松且优雅的方式来创建和部署无服务器的Web应
2021-08-18 15:59:01 55KB nodejs gulp aws serverless
My first encounter with the Java programming language was during a one-week Java training session in 1997. I did not get a chance to use Java in a project until 1999. I read two Java books and took a Java 2 programmer certification examination. I did very well on the test, scoring 95 percent. The three questions that I missed on the test made me realize that the books that I had read did not adequately cover details of all the topics. I made up my mind to write a book on the Java programming language. So, I formulated a plan to cover most of the topics that a Java developer needs to use Java effectively in a project, as well as to become certified. I initially planned to cover all essential topics in Java in 700 to 800 pages. As I progressed, I realized that a book covering most of the Java topics in detail could not be written in 700 to 800 pages. One chapter alone that covered data types, operators, and statements spanned 90 pages. I was then faced with the question, “Should I shorten the content of the book or include all the details that I think a Java developer needs?” I opted for including all the details in the book, rather than shortening its content to maintain the original number of pages. It has never been my intent to make lots of money from this book. I was never in a hurry to finish this book because that rush could have compromised the quality and coverage. In short, I wrote this book to help the Java community understand and use the Java programming language effectively, without having to read many books on the same subject. I wrote this book with the plan that it would be a comprehensive one-stop reference for everyone who wants to learn and grasp the intricacies of the Java programming language. One of my high school teachers used to tell us that if one wanted to understand a building, one must first understand the bricks, steel, and mortar that make up the building. The same logic applies to most of the things that we want to unde
2021-08-18 08:14:10 9.32MB Java Threads Lambda Streams
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