决策及相关信息decision making and relevant information
2022-02-05 19:02:02 1.36MB 管理会计 英文课件
for Delphi 2006 ~ Delphi 11 Alexandria
2022-02-05 09:07:53 4.38MB MiTeC Delphi
IIS5.1 完整安装文件包Internet Information Server的缩写为(IIS)是一个World Wide Web server
2022-01-17 15:03:50 11.54MB IIS
高清的英文版Transactional Information Systems,带标签。
2022-01-16 11:00:43 3.67MB 事务处理 数据库技术
教师信息管理系统sql学校人力资源管理系统 实现学校部门信息、职务、职称和教职工信息管理; 实现教师的学籍经历管理; 实现教师的家庭关系管理; 实现教师的奖惩信息管理; 创建存储过程查询学校各部门各种职称的教职工数量; 创建触发器当增加、删除教职工和修改教职工部门信息时自动修改相应部门的职工人数; 创建规则用于保证教职工的E-Mail的输入格式正确; 建立数据库相关表之间的参照完整性约束。
2022-01-14 11:02:38 4KB sql
《Elements Of Information Theory》第一版的习题解答,别人上传的,是相机拍的,不过他分了18个包,我合在一起重新上传的,方便下载
2022-01-11 15:47:15 26.61MB Information Theory Solution Manual
IPMI Platform Management FRU Information Storage Definition v1.3.pdf
2022-01-11 11:58:43 1.11MB ipmi
信息论著名专家THOMAS M. COVER JOY A. THOMAS编著信息论教材,内容全面,证明便捷,值得收藏.
2022-01-07 09:20:16 12.13MB Information theory
This is a book on the mathematical theory of quantum information, focusing on a formal presentation of definitions, theorems, and proofs. It is primarily intended for graduate students and researchers having some familiarity with quantum information and computation, such as would be covered in an introductory-level undergraduate or graduate course, or in one of several books on the subject that now exist. Quantum information science has seen an explosive development in recent years, particularly within the past two decades. A comprehensive treatment of the subject, even if restricted to its theoretical aspects, would certainly require a series of books rather than just one. Consistent with this fact, the selection of topics covered herein is not intended to be fully representative of the subject. Quantum error correction and fault-tolerance, quantum algorithms and complexity theory, quantum cryptography, and topological quantum computation are among the many interesting and fundamental topics found within the theoretical branches of quantum information science that are not covered in this book. Nevertheless, one is likely to encounter some of the core mathematical notions discussed in this book when studying these topics.
2022-01-06 12:29:06 2.36MB Quantum mathematical
2022-01-04 15:22:24 10.14MB information theory