2022-01-07 16:18:14 42KB BLDC PWM 六步方波
《Database System Implementation——数据库系统实现》英文版 第1章~第11章全 作者:Hector Garcia-Molina,Jeffrey D. Ullman,Jennifer Widom 本人添加了目录书签
2022-01-07 11:01:11 12.17MB Database 数据库
Database System Implementation数据库系统实现 英文pdf原版
2022-01-07 09:57:20 12.13MB 数据库实现
Financials Cloud General Ledger Implementation Essentials考题.docx
2021-12-21 14:04:20 32KB Oracle题
An important working resource for engineers and researchers involved in the design, development, and implementation of signal processing systemsThe last decade has seen a rapid expansion of the use of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for a wide range of applications beyond traditional digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Written by a team of experts working at the leading edge of FPGA research and development, this second edition of FPGA-based Implementation of Signal Processing Systems has been extensively updated and revised to reflect the latest iterations of FPGA theory, applications, and technology. Written from a system-level perspective, it features expert discussions of contemporary methods and tools used in the design, optimization and implementation of DSP systems using programmable FPGA hardware. And it provides a wealth of practical insights—along with illustrative case studies and timely real-world examples—of critical concern to engineers working in the design and development of DSP systems for radio, telecommunications, audio-visual, and security applications, as well as bioinformatics, Big Data applications, and more. Inside you will find up-to-date coverage of:,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-12-17 14:52:57 12.28MB 英文
2021-12-17 12:49:12 283KB lwip
CNN-Numpy-实施 手动实现卷积神经网络,而无需使用诸如pytorch和tensorflow之类的现代库。 换句话说,我从头开始构建了一个神经网络,其中涉及实现正向和反向传播。 我手动编写了反向传播代码,并使用numpy手动实现了每一层的偏导数。 我在这里使用的方程式示例可以在这里找到。 E.Bendersky(2016年10月28日)。 Softmax函数及其导数。 取自 我最完善,最成功的网络是跟踪多个功能的多元回归CNN。 它可以正确确定两个图像之间的形状数量差异以及是否存在反射,但是在测量旋转度和形状之间的填充颜色差异方面存在困难。 为了训练该网络,我必须生成自己的数据集。 项目描述 AI研究人员已将Raven的渐进矩阵(RPM)视觉智商测试用作开发新策略,算法和认知代理的测试平台。 通过构建可以逐步解决更棘手问题的智能体,研究人员希望推动人工智能领域的发展。 下面显示了
2021-12-14 20:47:49 307.08MB
ICP实施 此任务的主要任务是从初始重叠区域开始,尽可能使两个3D几何图形对齐。 一种获得良好结果的广泛使用的算法称为“迭代最近点”(ICP)。 该算法输出由旋转矩阵和平移矢量形成的刚性变换作为输出。 这是为了解决最小化问题而完成的,其中最小化的误差定义如下: 其中p_i是我们要尝试保留的点,而q_i是参考点。 此外,R是我们要查找的旋转矩阵,而t是平移矢量。 当我们想计算最接近的点以匹配两次扫描时,而不是强行强制进行具有O(n ^ 2)复杂度的计算时,可以通过使用将点存储在其中的KD-tree数据结构来大大提高速度基于它们在空间中位置的树。 请注意,K表示点所在的维数,在这种情况下,我们有3D树。 因此,最近邻居搜索的时间复杂度下降为O(log(n))。 ICP的改进 二次抽样 一个非常直接的改进是尝试不使用两次扫描中的所有点。 有两种方法可以正确地对两个扫描进行二次采样,特别是一
2021-12-13 19:53:24 42.93MB c-plus-plus point-cloud geometry-processing ucl
Most books on operating systems deal with theory while ignoring practice. While the usual principles are covered in detail, the book describes a small, but real UNIX-like operating system: MINIX.The book demonstrates how it works while illustrating the principles behind it. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation Second Edition provides the MINIX source code. The relevant selections of the MINIX code are described in detail. When it first came out, MINIX caused something of a revolution. Within weeks, it had its own newsgroup on USENET, with 40,000 people. Most wanted to make MINIX bigger and fancier. Instead, Linux was created. That has become quite popular, very large, and complicated. MINIX, on the other hand, has remained small and suitable for instruction and example.The book has been revised to include updates in MINIX, which started out as a v 7 unix clone for a floppy-disk only 8088. It is now aimed at 386, 486, and pentium machines and is based on the international posix standard instead of on v7. There are now also versions of MINIX for the Macintosh and SPARC available. Professional programmers will find this book to be a valuable resource and reference book.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-12-09 23:46:17 36.25MB 英文
参考 纸: AttnGAN:使用注意生成对抗网络细化文本到图像生成 来自的代码: AttnGAN_Structure 有趣的DAMSM损失函数 就运行时间而言。 完成一批数据花费了超过1分钟的时间。 而且,批量大小为2。因此,绝对不是我的笔记本电脑的玩具。 简化版 一切 出于学习目的,该代码已被简化很多。 整个文本数据已被转储到一个腌制文件中。 而且,一行代码可以帮助您加载所有代码。 由于此实现仅用于学习结构,因此已删除了与部署相关的代码。 但是,这种简化损害了灵活性。 在这种结构中使用InfoGAN? (注意)
2021-12-01 19:46:42 2.45MB JupyterNotebook