本书由该电子战领域的知名专家James Genova 撰写,目的是研究如何针对中国和其他国家的反舰导弹(ASM)进行电子防护(EP)。本书全面介绍了信息战(IW)时代的现代电子战(EW),它探索了快速准确对目标进行分类的相干雷达和数字信号处理能力。 主要内容包括脉冲多普勒雷达基础知识,包括脉冲、动态范围、增益控制和多普勒效应;提供了ASM传感器和EA模型,读者可以找到雷达距离方程,烧穿以及多普勒图和成像范围的覆盖范围;解释了目标分选,包括假目标、诱饵和箔条;另外还介绍了ASM EP波形和多接收器EP。本书探讨了算法的特性,以优化多个参数和系统的组合。
2021-04-06 18:56:33 6.63MB 电子战
Contents Preface xiii Acknowledgments xv Chapter 1 Communication Electronic Warfare Systems 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Information Warfare 1 1.3 Electronic Warfare 3 1.3.1 Electronic Support 3 1.3.2 Electronic Attack 4 1.3.3 Electronic Protect 4 1.4 Electronic Support 5 1.4.1 Low Probability of Detection/Interception/Exploitation 7 1.4.2 Future Communication Environments 8 1.4.3 Wired Communications 9 1.4.4 ES Summary 9 1.5 Electronic Attack 10 1.5.1 EA Summary 11 1.6 Typical EW System Configuration 11 1.6.1 System Control 11 1.6.2 Antennas 12 1.6.3 Signal Distribution 13 1.6.4 Search Receiver 13 1.6.5 Set-On Receiver 13 1.6.6 Signal Processing 14 1.6.7 Direction-Finding Signal Processing 14 1.6.8 Exciter 14 1.6.9 Power Amplifier 15 1.6.10 Filters 15 1.6.11 Communications 15 1.7 Concluding Remarks 16 References 16 Chapter 2 Electromagnetic Signal Propagation 19 2.1 Introduction 19 2.2 Signal Propagation 19 2.3 RF Band Designations 20 vi Introduction to Communication Electronic Warfare Systems 2.4 Polarization 22 2.5 Power Density 22 2.6 Free-Space Propagation 24 2.7 Direct Wave 27 2.8 Wave Diffraction 33 2.9 Reflected Waves 35 2.10 Surface Wave 40 2.11 Ducting 41 2.12 Meteor Burst 41 2.13 Scattering 42 2.14 Characteristics of the Mobile VHF Channel 43 2.15 Propagation Via the Ionosphere 46 2.15.1 Ionospheric Layers 46 2.15.2 Refraction 48 2.15.3 Near-Vertical Incidence Sky Wave 50 2.15.4 HF Fading 50 2.15.5 Maximum Usable Frequency and Lowest Usable Frequency 51 2.15.6 Automatic Link Establishment 52 2.16 Concluding Remarks 52 References 53 Chapter 3 Noise and Interference 55 3.1 Introduction 55 3.2 Thermal Noise 56 3.3 Internal Noise Sources 56 3.4 External Noise Sources 57 3.5 Cochannel and Multipath Interference 59 3.6 Concluding Remarks 60 References 60 Chapter 4 Radio Communication Technologies 61 4.1 Introduction 61 4.2 Modulation 63 4.2.1 Amplitude Modulation 65 4.2.2 Angle Modulation 67 4.2.3 Orthogonal Signaling 71 4.2.4 Access Methods 73 4.2.5 Duplexing 77 4
2021-03-30 23:44:15 6.89MB Communication Electronic Warfare
In this paper the importance of electronic warfare is presented taking into consideration the information age environment. In order to understand the electronic warfare this in information age, first we should understand what information age is and how the electromagnetic spectrum is used today. The Information age has changed every aspect of our life. For the first time in history we can create, access and store a high amount of information and all this happen during our life span. How has the military field been affected by all these changes? The military answer to the information age was the network centric warfare (NCW). As we can see, this concept NCW is affecting every aspect of the military field creating the evolution path from platform-centric to network-centric forces. When all military tools are physically limited in order to achieve military superiority we should exploit the new domain the information domain. Without this transformation it is not possible to achieve victory。
2021-03-29 11:17:28 490KB 电子战
电子签名由QTW设计 PDF格式的PDF文件。 支持语言:Tiếng Việt
2021-03-15 21:09:27 21KB 无障碍
This market-leading textbook continues its standard of excellence and innovation built on the solid pedagogical foundation that instructors expect from Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith. New to this Edition: A revised study of the MOSFET and the BJT and their application in amplifier design. Improved treatment of such important topics as cascode amplifiers, frequency response, and feedback Reorganized and modernized coverage of Digital IC Design. New topics, including Class D power amplifiers, IC filters and oscillators, and image sensors A new "expand-your-perspective" feature that provides relevant historical and application notes Two thirds of the end-of-chapter problems are new or revised
2021-03-06 15:08:09 62.13MB electronic Circuits
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Traditional speckle fringe patterns of electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) are obtained by adding, subtracting, or multiplying the speckle patterns recorded before and after the deformation. However, these speckle fringe patterns are of limited visibility, especially for addition and multiplication fringe patterns. We propose a novel method to obtain speckle fringe patterns of ESPI from undeformed and deformed speckle patterns. The fringe pattern generated by our method is of high c
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We study an electronic compensator (EC) as a receiver for a 100-Gb/s polarization division multiplexing coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PDM-CO-OFDM) system without optical dispersion compensation. EC, including electrical dispersion compensation (EDC), least squares channel estimation and compensation (LSCEC), and phase compensation (PC), is used to compensate for chromatic dispersion (CD), phase noise, polarization mode dispersion (PMD), and channel impairments, res
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Many research groups in academia and industry are focusing on the performance improvement of electronic nose (E-nose) systems mainly involving three.optimizations, which are sensitive material selection and sensor array optimization,enhanced feature extraction methods and pattern recognition method selection. For a specific application, the feature extraction method is a basic part of these three optimizations and a key point in E-nose system performance improvement. The aim of a feature extract
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