Advanced R(2nd Ed).pdf: Welcome to the second edition of Advanced R. I had three main goals for this edition: • Improve coverage of important concepts that I fully understood only after the publication of the first edition. • Reduce coverage of topics time has shown to be less useful, or that I think are really exciting but turn out not to be that practical. • Generally make the material easier to understand with better text, clearer code, and many more diagrams. If you’re familiar with the first edition, this preface describes the major changes so that you can focus your reading on the new areas. If you’re reading a printed version of this book you’ll notice one big change very quickly: Advanced R is now in colour! This has considerably improved the syntax highlighting of code chunks, and made it much easier to create helpful diagrams. I have taken advantage of this and included over 100 new diagrams throughout the book. Another big change in this version is the use of new packages, particularly rlang (, which provides a clean interface to low-level data structures and operations. The first edition used base R functions almost exclusively, which created some pedagogical challenges because many functions evolved independently over multiple years, making it hard to see the big underlying ideas hidden amongst the incidental variations in function names and arguments. I continue to show base equivalents in sidebars, footnotes, and where needed, in individual sections, but if you want to see the purest base R expression of the ideas in this book, I recommend reading the first edition, which you can find online at
2021-12-06 20:51:52 7.49MB R 语言 Machine Learning
@本文来源于公众号:csdn2299,喜欢可以关注公众号 程序员学府 今天小编就为大家分享一篇关于Python标准库使用OrderedDict类的实例讲解,小编觉得内容挺不错的,现在分享给大家,具有很好的参考价值,需要的朋友一起跟随小编来看看吧 目标:创建一个字典,记录几对python词语,使用OrderedDict类来写,并按顺序输出。 写完报错: [root@centos7 tmp]# python File "", line 9 from name,language in python_terms.items():
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Unity in Action. 2nd Ed, 一本关于unity开发的英文书籍,初中级
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说明 本文是方法记录,不是完整的项目过程(在我Jupyter上,数据前期预处理部分懒得搬了),也没有调参追求准确度(家里电脑跑不动)。 参考任务来源于Kaggle,地址:电影评论情感分类 本文参考了不同的资料来源,包括斯坦福CS224N的课程资料,网上博客,Keras官方文档等 任务核心部分 1.单词表示 1.1 理论部分 对大部分(或者所有)NLP任务,第一步都应该是如何将单词表示成符合模型所需要的输入。最直接的思路就是将单词(符号)变为词向量。 词向量的表示方法: one-hot 编码:想法直接,但过于稀疏,且词与词之间正交,无法衡量词之间的相似度 基于矩阵分解的方法:比如不同词窗的矩阵,
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项目管理方法参考书籍,内容与PMP相近,但介绍了很多实用工具和方法,如MP的使用等。 Contemporary Project Management, 3e includes both time-tested and cutting-edge project management techniques that are invaluable to you as a student or practitioner
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本文实例讲述了redis+php实现微博发布与关注功能。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 数据结构: set post:postid:3:time timestamp set post:postid:3:userid 5 set post:postid:3:content 测试发布哈哈哈哈 incr global:postid set post:postid:$postidcho “用户名密码不能够为空!”; 关注微博 following:3 被关注(粉丝) followed:3 把发布的微博推给自己的粉丝 recivepost:10 postid 微博的发布代码: inc
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Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence 10th ed
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Python版本3.5.1, pip install requests 之后依然提示 Python ImportError: No module named ‘requests’ 经过文件搜索和提示,发现是因为安装目录不正确。 一定要切到Python的主目录下安装requests。 如果提示已经安装,那原因是安装的路径不正确,需要先卸载。找到现在的安装目录(会提示),在CMD窗口切过去,执行: pip uninstall requests C:\Users\Administrator>pip uninstall requests Uninstalling requests-2.14.2:
2021-11-27 15:55:11 44KB du ed le