一种可以在ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010系统和软件架构描述国际标准下使用的软件架构决策记录模板
2021-08-16 22:10:45 2.29MB 软件架构 架构决策 架构框架 架构视点
2021-08-13 11:24:41 653KB FaceSDK
解压密码:123 安装说明:https://blog.csdn.net/hongfu951/article/details/118517942 Atomineer Pro Documentation是一款Visual Studio的插件,主要用于生成程序的源代码,通过该软件,用户可以对编写的程序进行源代码制作提取,操作非常简单,同时该插件可以作为独立的软件进行使用,并不局限于Visual Studio,它能够识别多种保存语言,支持C、C++、C++/CLI、C#、Java语言等,这对于制作源代码来说十分重要,它可以节省许多代码的提取时间,优化操作步骤,为编程人员提供了源代码制作的友好平台,需要的朋友赶快下载试试吧!
2021-08-12 17:07:49 409KB AtomineerProDo VisualStudio的插件
Hyperledger Fabric2018全文档 Hyperledger Fabric is a platform for distributed ledger solutions, underpinned by a modular architecture delivering high degrees of confidentiality, resiliency, flexibility and scalability. It is designed to support pluggable implementations of different components, and accommodate the complexity and intricacies that exist across the economic ecosystem. Hyperledger Fabric delivers a uniquely elastic and extensible architecture, distinguishing it from alternative blockchain solutions. Planning for the future of enterprise blockchain requires building on top of a fully-vetted, open source architecture; Hyperledger Fabric is your starting point. It’s recommended for first-time users to begin by going through the Getting Started section in order to gain familiarity with the Hyperledger Fabric components and the basic transaction flow. Once comfortable, continue exploring the library for demos, technical specifications, APIs, etc.
2021-08-03 09:46:49 1.72MB hyperledger fabric ibm 区块链
2021-07-27 17:43:52 925KB linux内核文档
Windows子系统WSL2文档,Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation
2021-07-24 17:00:50 4.66MB WSL Windows
The gams namespace provides objects to interact with the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). Objects in this namespace allow convenient exchange of input data and model results (GamsDatabase), help to create and run GAMS models (GamsJob), that can be customized by GAMS options (GamsOptions). Furthermore, it introduces a way to solve a sequence of closely related model instances in the most efficient way (GamsModelInstance). A GAMS program can include other source files (e.g. $include), load data from GDX files (e.g. $GDXIN or execute_load), and create PUT files. All these files can be specified with a (relative) path and therefore an anchor into the file system is required. The base class GamsWorkspace manages the anchor to the file system. If external file communication is not an issue in a particular Python application, temporary directories and files will be managed by objects in the namespace. With the exception of GamsWorkspace the objects in the gams namespace cannot be accessed across different threads unless the instance is locked. The classes themself are thread safe and multiple objects of the class can be used from different threads (see below for restrictions on solvers that are not thread safe within the GamsModelInstance class).
2021-07-24 11:55:17 597KB GAMS PYTHON API
流量光盘 该存储库包含用于在上构建 Flux 项目登陆页面的资产。 注意:某些 Flux 文档的源代码位于内的其他存储库中。 应针对这些存储库提出文档问题和拉取请求。 项目 文档站点 Github 源码 助焊剂 旗手 通量(遗留) 掌舵操作员 如何修改本网站 请查看以更好地了解如何运行和修改此站点。
2021-07-23 18:03:47 4.37MB kubernetes flux website documentation
Scratch插件网站 这些是 Scratch Addons 网站背后的文件。 它使用 Hugo 作为静态站点生成器、Bootstrap 4 作为 CSS 框架和 GitHub Pages 作为托管服务提供商构建。 该网站构建简单,考虑了可访问性和可读性,并且与移动设备兼容。 查看以获取与该网站相关的文档。 建造 您将需要 (扩展版)。 如果您还没有 ,请阅读 。 为开发网站提供服务(默认为localhost:1313 ): hugo -D serve 贡献 欢迎拉取请求。 对于重大更改,请先打开一个问题来讨论您想要更改的内容。 执照 该项目根据 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3 的条款获得许可。
2021-07-23 18:03:42 2.62MB html website documentation docs
OpenSAFELY 文档 这是使用的公共文档。 它提供了有关如何设置和使用该平台的信息。
2021-07-23 18:03:39 1.24MB HTML