【下载说明】这里提供给大家的是本书英文第二版的高清PDF下载。【内容提要】Introduction to Discrete Event Systems is a comprehensive introduction to the field of discrete event systems, offering a breadth of coverage that makes the material accessible to readers of varied backgrounds. The book emphasizes a unified modeling framework that transcends specific application areas, linking the following topics in a coherent manner: language and automata theory, supervisory control, Petri net theory, Markov chains and queuing theory, discrete-event simulation, and concurrent estimation techniques. This edition includes new material pertaining to the diagnosis of discrete event systems, decentralized supervisory control, and interval-based timed automata and hybrid automata models. This textbook is valuable to advanced-level students and researchers in a variety of disciplines where the study of discrete event systems is relevant: control, communications, computer engineering, computer science, manufacturing engineering, operations research, and industrial engineering.
2021-06-16 10:32:40 6.24MB Discrete Event Systems 第二版
2021-06-15 18:14:09 692KB 计算机科学
层次分析matlab代码基于离散约束的车辆模型 这是《基于离散约束的车辆建模和动力分析》文章的模型MATLAB代码,2017年1月国际车辆设计杂志。涉及离散约束模型和经典模型。 运行文件mymode2.m可以得到结果。 文件mymode1.m是描述参数系统的函数。 本文基于Udwadia-Kalaba理论,提出了一种新型的整车动力学建模与分析方法。 由于使用此方法对车辆进行了分层建模,因此在处理多自由度车辆的建模时可以轻松处理此方法。 同样,基于此方法的解析动态模型无需计算拉格朗日方程中使用的拉格朗日乘数。 为了验证这种方法,本文使用Udwadia-Kalaba理论对15 DOF车辆进行了建模。 施加四个轮胎的位移,并在MATLAB中模拟和分析每个子系统的垂直动态行为。 通过求解Udwadia-Kalaba方程,可以获得每个子系统的响应。 仿真结果与拉格朗日模型的仿真结果非常吻合,从而验证了所提出的方法。
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