SPECCPU 2017 整型测试程序的命令行,从代码中抠出,用于单独运行benchmark进行实验
2021-10-11 13:15:40 130KB SPECCPU 2017
欢迎使用命令参考。该参考包含完整的详细命令描述字典,按字母顺序排列。 它是正确使用命令的权威资源,它为每个命令的每个参数提供了全面的规范。 Welcome to the Command Reference.This reference contains a complete dictionary of detailed command descriptions, arranged in alphabetical order. It is the definitive resource for correct command usage, providing comprehensive specifications for every argument of every command. The Command Reference is intended to provide information about individual commands. Although the reference also contains lists of commands arranged by functional grouping, it is not intended to be your primary source of procedural information. For introductory information and procedural guidelines concerning when and where to use commands, see the appropriate analysis guide for your application. A command mentioned in the various analysis guides implies a link to the detailed command description given in this reference. For ordering purposes, the alphabetical ordering of commands that begin with a star (*) or a slash (/) ignores those symbols. A printed copy of the Commands Quick Reference Guide is available on the ANSYS Customer Portal in the documentation area. The following Command Reference topics are available: 1.1. Conventions Used in This Reference 1.2. Product Capabilities 1.3.Terminology 1.4. Command Characteristics
2021-10-03 20:33:02 18.63MB 命令流 ansys workbench
文档为SIM800 AT指令的原件和中文版,中文版主要是谷歌翻译而来。 内容较多,没有重新排版,英文和中文的文档对比着看会比较好理解AT指令的内容
2021-10-02 01:16:20 4.42MB sim800 AT指令
The Linux Command Line 英文版 作者:WILLIAM E SHOTTS JR
2021-09-27 12:10:06 6.11MB Linux Command Line
True Basic语言的命令参考,详细介绍了True的所有语句,命令的用法。
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展锐cat1模组8910DM AT指令集说明书,包含基础,sim卡,网络服务、短信及定制相关指令详细说明
2021-09-17 17:39:08 1.21MB cat1 8910 AT
2021-09-16 19:58:11 1.94MB SIM7000C
Command not found E:无法获得锁,rosdep init初始化失败问题(网上种办法均解决不了,不是网络问题,我来教你安装)↵ 安装Melodic 新手第一次装melodic的时候根据安装步骤安装总是遇到报错问题,你的运行结果和他们博主结果对不上,你找很多博客结果都一个样(根本解决不了问题,浪费时间精力)初始化失败问题不在网速!是因为屏蔽了GitHub。 apt install -y ros-melodic-desktop-full, 初始化 sudo rosdep init 报错 : ERROR:cannot download default sources list fro
2021-09-13 22:12:21 133KB AND bu c
此资源是macOS 10.13下为Xcode9.4的Command Line 工具. 使用方法: 双击安装. 原下载地址: https://download.developer.apple.com/Developer_Tools/Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.13_for_Xcode_9.4.1/Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.13_for_Xcode_9.4.1.dmg 苹果开发者工具下载: https://developer.apple.com/download/more/
2021-09-13 16:02:39 183.64MB xcode 9.4 commandline 10.13
该工具可以帮助您查看受CloudFlare保护的网站背后的真实IP。 CrimeFlare绕过主机名工具可查看受CloudFlare保护的网站背后的真实IP。 简介该工具的功能是在受CloudFlare保护的网站后面执行真正的IP搜索,生成的信息对于进一步渗透很有用。 该工具生成的信息如下。 CloudFlare真实IP IP主机名组织城市国家邮政位置时区代码示例此工具与合作伙伴创建
2021-09-12 12:12:14 3KB PHP Command Line