教您有关awk语言以及如何有效使用它的知识。 还介绍了awk的GNU实现gawk。
2022-01-05 15:11:50 96B 计算机科学
Effective Ruby: 48 Specific Ways to Write Better Ruby. epub format
2022-01-01 21:49:16 435KB Ruby
最新的第三版。 Effective C# (Covers C# 6.0), (includes Content Update Program): 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C# (3rd Edition) (Effective Software Development Series)
2022-01-01 20:27:36 16.49MB C#
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Find out everything you need to know to build powerful robots with the most up-to-date ROSBuilding and programming a robot can be cumbersome and time-consuming, but not when you have the right collection of tools, libraries, and more importantly expert collaboration. ROS enables collaborative software development and offers an unmatched simulated environment that simplifies the entire robot building process.This book is packed with hands-on examples that will help you program your robot and give you complete solutions using open source ROS libraries and tools. It also shows you how to use virtual machines and Docker containers to simplify the installation of Ubuntu and the ROS framework, so you can start working in an isolated and control environment without changing your regular computer setup.It starts with the installation and basic concepts, then continues with more complex modules available in ROS such as sensors and actuators integration (drivers), navigation and mapping (so you can create an autonomous mobile robot), manipulation, Computer Vision, perception in 3D with PCL, and more. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to leverage all the ROS Kinetic features to build a fully fledged robot for all your needs.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-12-30 12:24:41 11.3MB 英文
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2021-12-24 10:51:51 21.96MB C++
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2021-12-23 20:09:11 899KB 数据挖掘 复杂网络
2021-12-23 16:00:43 4.49MB c++
(2) 总线空闲 隐性电平,无长度限制(0 亦可)。 本状态下,可视为总线空闲,要发送的单元可开始访问总线。 (3) 延迟传送(发送暂时停止) 8 个位的隐性位。 只在处于被动错误状态的单元刚发送一个消息后的帧间隔中包含的段。
2021-12-22 19:53:21 1.83MB can  汽车
超分辨率matlab代码小波域样式转移在单图像超分辨率中实现有效的感知失真权衡 ICCV 2019口头报告可以从以下链接下载不同数据集的结果: 这是ICCV论文“在单图像超分辨率中有效实现感知失真权衡的小波域样式转换”的实现。 第一步,您需要运行SWT.m来生成LL子带和六个高频子带。 第二步,请将上面生成的高频子带分别复制到Content和Style文件中,然后运行command.sh进行小波域风格传输。 可以从下载VGG文件,然后将其放在pre-trained_model文件中。 在第三步骤中,通过VDSR网络进一步增强了在第一步骤中生成的LL子带。 注意,需要针对不同的小波滤波器对网络进行重新训练。 所提供的模型仅适用于哈尔过滤器。 在第四步中,通过运行ISWT.m,使用逆SWT将生成的LL和高频子带重新组合为图像。 样式传送软件代码基于进行了修改。 NRQM分数是使用PIRM挑战提供的matlab代码计算的。
2021-12-19 09:33:28 10.99MB 系统开源