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包含:VMware Workstation 12(虚拟机软件) unlocker208(帮助虚拟机识别mac系统的插件) OS X 10.11.1(15B42).cdr 是baidu pan链接,失效了里面有备用下载方法
2021-11-27 15:08:53 429B VMware unlocker 10.11.1(15B OS
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Navicat for MySQL_11.1.20破解版,压缩包里有安装文件和破解文件,按照备注里执行就行了
2021-11-26 09:59:16 23.6MB Navicat for MySQL 11.1
说明:本文为Windows下DB2 11.1的学习笔记 标签:DB2启停、DB2建库、db2维护、修改DB2参数、修改DB2密码、DB2备份恢复 温馨提示:如果您发现本文哪里写的有问题或者有更好的写法请留言或私信我进行修改优化 ◆ 查看有哪些DB list db directory            查看数据库与对应的磁盘 list db directory on c        查看数据库与对应的数据库目录 ◆ 启停数据库 connect reset terminate db2stop [force] db2start ◆ 创建DB create db xxx ◆ 删除DB drop
2021-11-22 15:23:02 124KB 学习 学习笔记
Run the application setup, select the (Paid) edition of Quartus II . Wait for it, or take a lunch break... When asked for a license, cancel the dialog box. Unzip the crack into the install dir e.g. \altera\11.1\ and overwrite folders/files. Run the LicenseMaker.exe from the install dir with administrator privilege. It will create a license.dat and set the required system environment variables LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE which point to the location of the license.dat Launch the program. When asked for the license, select the option to specify valid license file, and "Use LM_LICENSE_FILE variable" (or browse to the license.dat) You can do the same procedure (or verify the license status) from the program by going to the "Tools", "License Setup". Enjoy.
2021-11-22 11:30:58 2.07MB Quartus Altera
超好用的Layout軟體, 簡單易懂, 操作方便, L-Edit 11.1
2021-11-19 16:00:08 26.76MB L-Edit 11.1
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2021-11-18 10:24:27 675.17MB DB2v11.1_win64
dotnetbar 11.1 的源代码,修改了多处无法编译的地方,目前VS2012下编译成功,运行正确。 包括 DevComponents.DotNetBar2、DevComponents.DotNetBar.SuperGrid、DevComponents.DotNetBar.Schedule、DevComponents.Instrumentation、DevComponents.TreeGX等组件。
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