2021-02-18 15:02:26 184KB 基站天线
2021-02-08 09:02:28 194KB 数据卷
该资源为2017-2018年暨南大学727美术专业基础考研真题,资源高清无水印哦! 该资源为2017-2018年暨南大学727美术专业基础考研真题,资源高清无水印哦!
这是东南大学研究生学位英语的期末试卷,也就是研一上学期上的IC+TC(International Conference+Technical Communication)的期末试卷。
2021-01-10 01:18:21 21.77MB 学位英语 东南大学 期末试卷
Installation: Extract the dle file into the plugins directory of 3ds Max. e.g.: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins If you are encountering a runtime error when start 3ds Max you need to install Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Packages Usage: 1.Setup your scene and then choose Export or Export Selected from the File menu. 2.Click the 'Save as type' dropdown list where you will find Alin DirectX Exporter. Choose a file path, and then press OK. The configuration dialog will appear, which control how the scene data will be converted from 3ds Max to .x file. 3.New options: X-Rot and Z-Rot can be used for custom coordinate system, for example, switch between Y-up and Z-up is very easy: simply set the X-Rot to 90. 4.3d engine like Irrlicht needs key sequence to take full control of animation speed. You must select Custom in Timeline tab and set to 1, otherwise the animation will be very slow. 5.If there are textures with names in Asian(Chinese, Korean, Japanese) characters, you must set the output format to binary or compressed. 6.Click OK when you finish the configuration.
2020-01-20 03:06:02 248KB 3DMAX .x
2017-2018中中科院自动化所模式识别真题【完整版】 强烈推荐!对考博复习考试帮助很大,金榜题名助你一臂之力!
2020-01-04 03:02:20 592KB 中科院 自动化所 模式识别 考博
2020-01-03 11:39:15 13KB 山东大学 计算引论
2020-01-03 11:20:02 1.96MB 国科大 软件工程 答案 期末
2017-2018机组真题回忆版 一计算 1. x是正数y是负数,x+y的补码 x-y的补码并判断是否溢出 2. 原码一位除(不恢复余数法) 3. 浮点数规格化,转成十六进制 4. 给出 直接寻址、寄存器寻址、寄存器间接寻址、相对寻址 确定寻址方式和有效地址(1)(2)(3)(4)
2020-01-03 11:17:53 13KB 山东大学 2017-2018 期末考试
2019-12-21 22:14:33 1.44MB IDC 云计算 数据中心