Calculus 第9版 英文版 高清带书签 Dale Varberge. Dale Varberg、Edwin J. Purcell、Steven E. Rigdon所著的《微积分(翻译版·原书第9版)》的英文原版是一本在美国大学中广泛使用的微积分课程教材。 《微积分(翻译版·原书第9版)》内容包括:函数、极限、导数及其应用、积分及其应用、超越函数、积分技巧、不定型的极限和反常积分、无穷级数、圆锥曲线与极坐标、空间解析几何与向量代数、多元函数的微分、多重积分、向量微积分。 《微积分(翻译版·原书第9版)》强调应用,习题数量多、类型广,重视不同学科之间的交叉,强调其实际背景,反映当代科技发展。每章之后有附加内容,包括利用图形计算器或数学软件计算的习题或带研究性的小题目等。 《微积分(翻译版·原书第9版)》可作为高等院校理工类专业本科生的教材或学习参考书,亦可供教师参考。
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本书基于正式发布的Spring Boot 2,支持Spring 5。采用目前流行的Java EE架构,整个应用分为DAO持久层、领域对象层、业务逻辑层、控制器层和视图层,各层之间分层清晰,可以身临其境地感受企业实际项目开发。
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出版社: Apple Academic Press Inc.; 2nd New edition (2014年11月17日) 丛书名: Optics and Photonics 精装: 899页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 1482217511 条形码: 0001482217511 商品尺寸: 18.4 x 5.1 x 25.4 cm ASIN: 1482217511 Carefully structured to instill practical knowledge of fundamental issues, Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB (R) and Simulink (R) Models describes the modeling of optically amplified fiber communications systems using MATLAB (R) and Simulink (R). This lecture-based book focuses on concepts and interpretation, mathematical procedures, and engineering applications, shedding light on device behavior and dynamics through computer modeling. Supplying a deeper understanding of the current and future state of optical systems and networks, this Second Edition: Reflects the latest developments in optical fiber communications technology Includes new and updated case studies, examples, end-of-chapter problems, and MATLAB (R) and Simulink (R) models Emphasizes DSP-based coherent reception techniques essential to advancement in short- and long-term optical transmission networks Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB (R) and Simulink (R) Models, Second Edition is intended for use in university and professional training courses in the specialized field of optical communications. This text should also appeal to students of engineering and science who have already taken courses in electromagnetic theory, signal processing, and digital communications, as well as to optical engineers, designers, and practitioners in industry.
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