Scala Cookbook
2022-09-14 21:38:12 5.22MB Scala
英文原版书The Call of the Wild(野性的呼唤).pdf
2022-09-08 22:30:13 323KB 英文原版书
A Book on C第四版英文原版,扫描,对开页显示
2022-09-07 22:20:22 47.39MB C语言
《Understanding Cryptography》 《深入浅出密码学-常用加密技术原理与应用》(英文原版
2022-08-30 18:00:28 6.71MB
2022-08-30 09:12:08 9.57MB 汽车通讯协议
GOF-设计模式-Design Patterns-英文原版-高清-有目录-有页码
2022-08-27 17:45:58 2.59MB GOF 设计模式 Design Patterns
此文档为EMVCo发布的关于Qrcode二维码支付规范,分两部分,一部分是消费者展示二维码的情况,另一部分是商户展示二维码的情况。 中国银联在推动此次标准出台的过程中起到了积极的引领作用。2016年6月,结合二维码市场发展需要,中国银联向EMVCo提议在全球范围内建立一套安全、通用、开放的二维码支付架构。次月,EMVCo正式成立二维码标准工作组并由银联担任组长。在充分总结中国市场二维码支付方案经验的基础上,同时以《中国银联二维码支付应用规范》为蓝本,中国银联带领EMV二维码工作组设计提出了最终的技术解决方案。工作组自成立至规范发布仅历经12个月的时间,是EMVCo成立20年来最迅速响应市场的范例之一,也是国际标准化舞台上银联实力和影响力的充分展现。
2022-08-15 15:57:43 1.35MB EMV qrcode 二维码
groovy in action电子书 中文版和英文原版-------下载不扣分,回帖加1分,欢迎下载,童叟无欺 groovy 实战指南
2022-08-08 09:09:58 14.63MB groovy in action jvm
1 nng 是第三代。 第一代 ZeroMQ C++ 第二代 nanomsg C 第三代 nng 不重复发明轮子
2022-08-06 11:20:58 12.68MB nng nanomsg zeromq
Explore the latest Python tools and techniques to help you tackle the world of data acquisition and analysis. You’ll review scientific computing with NumPy, visualization with matplotlib, and machine learning with scikit-learn. This revision is fully updated with new content on social media data analysis, image analysis with OpenCV, and deep learning libraries. Each chapter includes multiple examples demonstrating how to work with each library. At its heart lies the coverage of pandas, for high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and tools for data manipulation Author Fabio Nelli expertly demonstrates using Python for data processing, management, and information retrieval. Later chapters apply what you’ve learned to handwriting recognition and extending graphical capabilities with the JavaScript D3 library. Whether you are dealing with sales data, investment data, medical data, web page usage, or other data sets, Python Data Analytics, Second Edition is an invaluable reference with its examples of storing, accessing, and analyzing data. What You’ll Learn Understand the core concepts of data analysis and the Python ecosystem Go in depth with pandas for reading, writing, and processing data Use tools and techniques for data visualization and image analysis Examine popular deep learning libraries Keras, Theano,TensorFlow, and PyTorch Who This Book Is For Experienced Python developers who need to learn about Pythonic tools for data analysis
2022-07-31 06:29:49 13.97MB python