2021-09-06 01:22:22 111KB java 面试
50道经典Java编程练习题,将数学思维运用到编程中来 ,提高逻辑
2021-09-05 20:32:04 140KB 经典 实用
Programming Exercise 1: Linear Regression Machine Learning Introduction In this exercise, you will implement linear regression and get to see it work on data. Before starting on this programming exercise, we strongly recom- mend watching the video lectures and completing the review questions for the associated topics. To get started with the exercise, you will need to download the starter code and unzip its contents to the directory where you wish to complete the exercise. If needed, use the cd command in Octave/MATLAB to change to this directory before starting this exercise. You can also find instructions for installing Octave/MATLAB in the “En- vironment Setup Instructions” of the course website. Files included in this exercise ex1.m - Octave/MATLAB script that steps you through the exercise ex1 multi.m - Octave/MATLAB script for the later parts of the exercise ex1data1.txt - Dataset for linear regression with one variable ex1data2.txt - Dataset for linear regression with multiple variables submit.m - Submission script that sends your solutions to our servers [?] warmUpExercise.m - Simple example function in Octave/MATLAB [?] plotData.m - Function to display the dataset [?] computeCost.m - Function to compute the cost of linear regression [?] gradientDescent.m - Function to run gradient descent [†] computeCostMulti.m - Cost function for multiple variables [†] gradientDescentMulti.m - Gradient descent for multiple variables [†] featureNormalize.m - Function to normalize features [†] normalEqn.m - Function to compute the normal equations ? indicates files you will need to complete † indicates optional exercises
2021-08-27 05:11:18 35.27MB machine lear
华为2019提前批笔试题及答案 1.输入任意个字符串,将其中的小写字母变为大写,大写字母变为小写,其他字符不用处理; 2.背包问题
2021-08-22 15:39:51 4KB 背包问题 大小写转换 华为编程题
2021-08-17 09:02:59 148KB java
2021-08-06 17:00:55 293KB 算法 数据结构 校招
2021-08-06 17:00:55 358KB 算法 数据结构 校招笔试
2021-08-06 17:00:55 139KB 算法 数据结构 校招笔试
202009三级考试真题编程题第38题scratch换装游戏 源码 功能实现 (1)程序开始,小猫生成一个1-100内的随机数,隐藏变量“随机数”,小猫询问“请输入1到100之间的数”; (2)玩家输入数字后,如果玩家猜错了,小猫会给出“大了”或“小了”的提示,如果猜对了,小猫会说答“对了”,游戏结束 (3)玩家有10次机会,每输入1次数字,剩余次数减1; (4)当剩余次数为0时游戏结束,小猫会说“机会用尽”并显示随机数变量。 案例教程:https://scratch.blog.csdn.net/article/details/116139604
请编写一个商品展示前后台数据对接demo。需求如下: 1、后台使用express搭建接口 2、使用mongooseAPI进行分页查询mongdb中数据 3、前台页面使用ElementUI进行搭建,Table展示数据,Pagination分页 4、数据字段: 商品名称:goodsName 商品类型:goodsType 进货价格:money 库存数量:stockNum 供应商:supplier 入库时间:warehousTime 5、数据库名称:demo,表明:goods 6、数据库模拟数据见附件
2021-08-03 09:23:04 89KB 编程题