【推荐】2022年智慧城市数字孪生标准化白皮书合集(共25份,146M),文档列表如下: 2022版-城市数字孪生标准化白皮书.pdf 2021-中国数字孪生城市研究报告.pdf 2021-行业现场网数字孪生白皮书.pdf 2021-数字孪生网络(DTN)白皮书.pdf 2021-数字孪生矿山白皮书.pdf 2021-数字孪生开发引擎OneNET View白皮书.pdf 2021-数字孪生技术应用白皮书.pdf 2021-数字孪生电网白皮书.pdf 2021-数字孪生城市白皮书.pdf 2021-时空人工智能赋能数字孪生城市白皮书.pdf 2021-面向数字孪生的5G+现场网体系架构白皮书.pdf 2021-华为数字孪生城市白皮书.pdf 2021-工业数字孪生白皮书.pdf 2021-工业4.0与数字孪生白皮书.pdf 2021-城市大脑:探索“数字孪生城市”城市交通数字化转型白皮书.pdf 2021-ThingJS-X-数字孪生产品白皮书.pdf 2021-5G行业网数字孪生白皮书.pdf 2020-数字孪生供应链白皮书.pdf 2020-数字孪生城市典型场景与应用案例.pdf 2020-数字孪生城市白皮书.pdf 2020版-数字孪生应用白皮书.pdf 2019-数字孪生城市研究报告.pdf 2019-数字孪生白皮书.pdf 2019全版-数字孪生体白皮书.pdf 2018-数字孪生城市研究报告.pdf 具体内容查看:https://blog.csdn.net/mengchensubi/article/details/122429900
2022-01-12 09:02:44 146.96MB 智慧城市 数字孪生 白皮书
2021最新数字孪生资料合集,共24份。供大家学习参阅。 本资料包含工业设备数字孪生、工业数字孪生数字孪生城市、数字供应链孪生、数字孪生工厂、数字孪生网络、数字孪生技术、数字孪生应用等领域。
2022-01-11 14:13:54 212.46MB 数字孪生技术 数字孪生应用 数字孪生
2022-01-08 11:53:21 915KB 数字孪生
2022-01-04 22:51:18 6.55MB 信通院 数字孪生
2022-01-03 19:06:43 2.74MB 2021数字孪生城市白皮书
Grieves教授关于数字孪生发展的又一力作,通篇论文较长,请仔细阅读。 摘要如下:The idea that the information about a physical object can be separated from the object itself and then mirror or twin that object is a concept referred to as the Digital Twin. The Digital Twin is receiving a great deal of interest from manufacturers who make advanced products that have all the characteristics of complex systems. While the Digital Twin concept is becoming better fleshed out and understood, there is much more work to be accomplished. Specifically, the characteristics of the physical product as these become smart, connected product system (SCPS or Physical Twin) need to be defined and described. The success of the Digital Twin model will rest on the value it creates for both the manufac￾turers and the users of their products. There will also be new issues, security among the most important, that need to be surfaced and addressed.
2021-12-31 10:00:43 6.92MB 数字孪生 Digit twin Physical
06-22 数字孪生——百花齐放!.docx
2021-12-29 19:00:44 9KB
工业数字孪生白皮书 (2021).pdf
2021-12-27 16:44:57 15.7MB 数字孪生 数据可视化
2021-12-27 16:38:02 4.8MB 2021年 数字孪生 技术应用 白皮书