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红外线测转速电路图(protel 99 se格式)(数模电课程设计) 红外线测转速电路图(protel 99 se格式)(数模电课程设计)
一. 设计内容: 1. 功能描叙: 用汇编语言编写九九乘法表,在屏幕上显示出来,而且能按一定规律显示,设置“1”键为横向排列,设置“2”键为左三角,设置“3”为右三角设置“0”为取消该功能。 2. 程序运行条件: 本程序需要借助masm软件进行操作,先将源程序代码保存在文本文档内,以.asm为后缀名保存,再利用命令提示符调用即可。 3. 输入与输出: 先对文件进行汇编操作,然后利用命令调用即可输出相应结果,而输入则就是用文本文档先编辑并保存文件。
2021-12-23 00:32:55 258KB 九九乘法表
有已编译好的borlandMM.dll动态库,有演示源码,提高delphi, cbuilder IDE性能,速度,内存管理,跟踪内存泄漏。 向pierre_le_riche致敬!谢谢他多年的努力。带给大家如此好的内存管理器。 A fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi Win32 applications that scales well under multi-threaded usage, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files. This archive contains: ---------------------- 1) FastMM4.pas - The replacement memory manager (to speed up your applications) 2) CPP Builder Support\FastMM4BCB.cpp - The Borland C++ Builder 6 support unit for FastMM4 3) Replacement BorlndMM DLL\BorlndMM.dpr - The project to build a replacement borlndmm.dll (to speed up the Delphi IDE) 4) FullDebugMode DLL\FastMM_FullDebugMode.dpr - The project to build the FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll. This support DLL is required only when using "FullDebugMode". 5) Usage Tracker\FastMMUsageTracker.pas - The address space and memory manager state monitoring utility for FastMM. (A demo is included in the same folder.) 6) Translations - This folder contains FastMM4Messages.pas files translated to various languages. The default FastMM4Messages.pas (in this folder) is the English version. Documentation for each part is available inside
2021-12-22 18:43:04 1.06MB delphi fastmm memory cbuilder
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Protel 99 SE 教程 教你如何pcb制作 pcb入门教程 接上一压缩文件
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2021-12-15 15:07:18 13KB 51单片机计数