2022-06-01 17:00:38 346KB 互联网
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关于强化服务 促进中小企业信息化的意见.pdf
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2022-05-31 09:01:46 693KB 文档资料 资料
2022-05-27 19:06:30 1.51MB 文档资料 精益生产
BRIEF Imagine that you meet with a small startup company in the early stages of their operations. Currently their architecture uses a LAMP stack with MySQL, Apache and PHP all running on one desktop PC within their small office. Like many small start-ups they are confident that they will be the next big thing and expect significant, rapid, yet un-quantified growth in the next few months. With this in mind, they are concerned about: scaling to meet the demand, but with uncertainty around when and
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中小企业网络拓扑 packet tracer做的网络拓扑图
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整合生产系统(B/M/O/网络)、大数据、网络、平台等各类原子能力,统一封装服务,提升企业敏捷运营能力,实现应用的按需定制、高效交付、实时在线。 三类服务+敏捷交付组成 业务能力中心提供微服务的服务设计能力:基于业务领域的中心化应用划分来实现服务的合理有效划分 技术平台提供微服务的多样化的开源技术组件选择 DCOS提供微服务的基础设施保障:实现服务资源的动态分配和可伸缩 DevOps提供微服务的开发运维机制:基于DevOps来实现持续交付的软件开发交付流程
2022-05-23 19:06:10 11.31MB 企业中台
2022-05-21 15:00:52 27KB 文档资料 资料