COLMAP 三维重建应用作者的博士论文,对理解 COLMAP 的实现过程有非常大的帮助,推荐阅读。
2022-02-14 01:18:26 64.03MB COLMAP SfM 三维重建
survival analysis modeling
2022-02-12 15:50:36 2.24MB survival analysis statistic modeling
AIM OF THIS BOOK Today TOGAF®a is widely recognized as a standard for enterprise architecture. The TOGAF framework focuses on the architecture transformation method in all its dimensions (business, organization, and information system). Since enterprise architecture often uses representations and models, both valuable instruments in elaboration and communication, the aim of this book is to provide a hands-on practitioner’s view of TOGAF and, notably, of the models used during transformation work. We chose to build these models using the most widely used standards, such as UML and BPMN. Specific UML extensions (a UML profile dedicated to TOGAF) are provided in this book to further explain all necessary concepts. We have also aligned this modeling technique with ArchiMate,b which is explained in a dedicated appendix to this book. This book does not replace the TOGAF reference specification.c Read as an initiation into or an accompaniment to the standard, it presents both the foundations of the TOGAF framework and tangible enterprise architecture elements. We hope that this book will be a useful tool in your TOGAF-based enterprise transformation projects. TOGAF is not the only enterprise architecture framework. Zachman, DODAF, MODAF, NAF, EAF, and even ITIL for certain aspects, all broach the subject of enterprise architecture in their own way. The number of frameworks available is probably explained by the complexity of the subject, as well as the diversity of situations encountered within different enterprises. As a consequence, TOGAF should not be considered as the “miracle cure,” but rather as a proposal capable of bringing together a number of practices around its architecture development method (ADM). The inevitably generic nature of TOGAF can sometimes be disconcerting. However, TOGAF is generally intended to be customized in order to instantiate the method for a particular use.
2022-02-12 09:28:29 27.25MB TOGAF
轨道建模是创建数学模型的过程,以模拟大质量物体由于重力而在围绕另一个大质量物体的轨道运动时的运动。 其他力,例如来自三次天体的引力、空气阻力、太阳压力或来自推进系统的推力,通常被建模为次要效应。 由于需要对非常大的轨道进行小扰动建模,因此直接对轨道进行建模可能会突破机器精度的限制。 因此,经常使用扰动方法对轨道进行建模,以达到更好的精度。 轨道模型通常使用特殊的扰动方法在时间和空间上传播。 这是通过首先将轨道建模为开普勒轨道来执行的。 然后将扰动添加到模型中以解释影响轨道的各种扰动。 特殊扰动可以应用于天体力学中的任何问题,因为它不仅限于扰动力很小的情况。 特殊的摄动方法是最精确的机器生成的行星星历的基础,例如喷气推进实验室发展星历。 在这里,我使用了以下积分器和力模型来模拟卫星的扰动运动: 积分器:带步长控制的可变阶 Radau IIA 积分器。 力模型:地球重力场(GGM03S 模型)
2022-02-03 15:50:28 39.77MB matlab
Modeling Deep Learning Accelerator Enabled GPUs.pdf
2022-01-30 09:09:03 9.39MB GPUs
《Modeling Our World》中文版本(无密码pdf版)网络整理,请参考下载。
2022-01-20 18:18:12 4.54MB 配网建模仿真资料
2022-01-06 09:34:00 10.61MB 通信系统仿真
This book introduces the main theoretical findings related to copulas and shows how statistical modeling of multivariate continuous distributions using copulas can be carried out in the R statistical environment with the package copula (among others). Copulas are multivariate distribution functions with standard uniform univariate margins. They are increasingly applied to modeling dependence among random variables in fields such as risk management, actuarial science, insurance, finance, engineering, hydrology, climatology, and meteorology, to name a few.
2022-01-03 13:35:31 65.43MB Copula with R
2021-12-31 15:45:59 14.44MB CityEngine 官方教程