介绍 Quantum Katas是一系列自定进度的教程和编程练习,可帮助您学习量子计算和Q#编程。 每个kata都是独立的练习集,包括: 一系列任务从轻而易地完成。 每个任务都需要您填写一些代码。 第一个任务可能只需要一行,而最后一个任务可能需要相当复杂的代码。 建立,运行和验证解决方案的测试框架。 每个任务都包含一个最初失败的。 一旦编写了使测试通过的代码,就可以继续执行下一个任务。 解决任务可能需要量子计算和Q#参考资料的链接。 提示,参考解决方案和详细说明可帮助您解决问题。 Quantum Katas还包括一些教程,从必要的数学(复数和线性代数)开始,向学习者介绍量子计算中使
2022-01-21 21:45:32 4.22MB quantum-computing hacktoberfest coding-kata qsharp
2022-01-12 14:00:17 85.35MB 网络
国外编码纠错的经典教材,介绍了分组码,卷积码等等,作者是SHU LIN/DANIEL J.COSTELLO,JR. 全英文,总共两部分,这里先上传一部分,另外一部分随后跟上 part1
2022-01-11 14:53:45 12.4MB Block code Converlutional code
2022-01-03 00:29:27 7.51MB 代码检测 Coding
Python_LeetCode_Coding 数据科学访谈中有四个编码组件:数据结构和算法,机器学习算法,数学和统计以及数据(字符串)操作。 我在此存储库中实时编码了主要技术公司提出的真实面试问题,并在此处托管Python代码。 关于每个主题,我的数据科学博客上都有详细的技术博客文章: : 。 为了最大程度地利用此存储库,我建议您按照自己的节奏将材料和实践结合起来。 第1部分:数学和统计学: 第2部分:数据处理,第1部分: 第3部分:二进制搜索 第4部分:数据处理,第2部分: 第5部分:2021年为初学者磨练Python技能的3个简单问题 第6部分:面向数据科学家的Python Numpy和矩阵问题 第7部分:适用于初学者的Python主词典 https://towardsdatascience.com/master-python-dictionary-for-beg
2021-12-30 13:38:10 28KB JupyterNotebook
2021-12-27 09:00:32 1.29MB
matlab中jpeg图像编解码代码JPEG编码和解码 使用Matlab编码JPEG,然后解码。 这也包含高斯滤波器和中值滤波器。 入门该程序用于练习数字图像的编码和处理。 其中包含以下过程:颜色转换,大小转换,DCT,量化,锯齿形,游程码,霍夫曼码(尚未完成), 高斯滤波器,中值滤波器, 前提条件系统环境:Windows 10软件:Matlab 2014源文件:Indoor.jpg和outdoor.jpg,door2.m和outdoor2.m 运行程序的步骤将所有文件下载并在本地目录中向上压缩,在matlab上双击matlab 2014,打开door2.m和outdoor2.m文件,运行代码以显示结果并在同一目录中检查文件 文件说明:Indoor2.m-源代码文件Indoor.jpg-源jpg文件Indoor_1024gray.jpg ---将源jpg文件转换为灰色Indoor_1024convert.jpg ---将灰色jpg文件转换为1024 1024 Indoor_1024DF.jpg- -DCT转换后的图像doors_1024ReverseDF.jpg --- DCT反向转换
2021-12-23 23:29:03 9.82MB 系统开源
idea Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines plugin
2021-12-23 21:03:17 9MB plugins
The hand is quicker than the eye. In many cases, so is digital video. Maintaining image quality in bandwidth - and memory - restricted environments is quickly becoming a reality as thriving research delves ever deeper into perceptual coding techniques, which discard superfluous data that humans cannot process or detect. Surveying the topic from a Human Visual System (HVS)-based approach, "Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding" outlines the principles, metrics, and standards associated with p erceptual coding, as well as the latest techniques and applications. This book is divided broadly into three parts. First, it introduces the fundamental theory, concepts, principles, and techniques underlying the field, such as the basics of compression, HVS modeling, and coding artefacts associated with current well-known techniques. The next section focuses on picture quality assessment criteria; subjective and objective methods and metrics, including vision model based digital video impairment metrics; testing procedures; and international standards regarding image quality. Finally, practical applications come into focus, including digital image and video coder designs based on the HVS as well as post-filtering, restoration, error correction, and concealment techniques. The permeation of digital images and video throughout the world cannot be understated. Nor can the importance of preserving quality while using minimal storage space, and "Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding" provides the tools necessary to accomplish this goal.
2021-12-21 21:08:57 18.78MB DigitalVideoIm PerceptualCodin
Eclipse Rich Client Platform Designing Coding and Packaging Java Applications.pdf 富客户端开发文档
2021-12-20 11:17:34 11.82MB Eclipse Rich Client Platform