2021-06-12 21:05:21 120.99MB 深度学习
前言 tensorflow的一些练习demo 目录 CNN验证码识别 RNNmnist训练集识别 RNN古诗词生成模型 GANmnist训练集图片生成 DCGAN动漫头像生成 Skip-Gram的Word2Vec生成 Skip-Thought-Vector的Sentence2Vec网络 SiameseCBOW模型 历史版本 2019.04.18 增加SiameseCBOW模型 2017.10.09 暂停,思考一下人生 2017.09.26 增加Skip-Thought-Vector的Sentence2Vec网络 2017.09.13 增加Skip-Gram的Word2Vec生成 2017.09.06 增加DCGAN动漫头像生成 2017.08.31 增加GANmnist训练集图片生成 2017.08.29 增加RNN古诗词生成模型 2017.08.21 增加RNNmnist训练集识别 20
2021-05-27 23:33:41 1.39MB tensorflow-tutorials 附件源码 文章源码
a.ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.examples.tutorials' 这个问题说明你安装的tensorflow没有tutorials文件夹,反应你安装的tensorflow不完整。所以有的朋友可以通过更改版本解决这个BUG。 这里推荐的方法是先看 \site-packages\tensorflow_core\examples里面有没有tutorials文件夹。如果没有,把这个下载下来,解压后复制进去就行。
2021-05-25 12:00:39 31KB MNIST 问题解决 tensorflow tutorials
gwa_tutorials 以jupyter笔记本的形式存储的PTA分析教程。
2021-05-19 16:04:35 163KB JupyterNotebook
ANSYS Fluent Tutorial Guide 2019R3 ,共28个官方step by step 实例教程
2021-05-08 14:43:55 47MB fluent tutorials fluent官方示例 fluent
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Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials (1st Edition)
2021-04-29 01:39:07 1.84MB Kotlin
2021-04-28 09:39:09 190.54MB IOS
Up to date for iOS 13, Xcode 11 & Swift 5.1 With SwiftUI, you can define what your app’s UI should do with concise, declarative language, and say goodbye to tons of confusing UIKit code. Build modern, responsive UI and animations that look great on iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS or even macOS! Build fluid and engaging declarative UI for your apps — using less code — with SwiftUI! SwiftUI by Tutorials is designed to help you learn how to transition from the “old way” of building your app UI with UIKit, to the “new way” of building responsive UI with modern declarative syntax with SwiftUI. This book is for readers who are comfortable building Swift apps, and want to make the exciting leap into building their app UI with modern, declarative code. What is SwiftUI? SwiftUI lets you build better apps, faster, and with less code. It’s a developer’s dream come true! With SwiftUI, you can design your user interfaces in a declarative way; instead of developing app interfaces in an imperative way, by coding all of the application state logic before time, you can instead define what your app’s UI should do in a particular state and let the underlying OS figure out how to do it. What’s more is that SwiftUI lets you build modern, responsive UI and animations for all Apple devices — not just iOS. So whether you’re building apps for iOS, watchOS, tvOS or any other Apple platform, you can use the same concise, natural language to describe your UI and have it look stunning — no matter where your code runs. In addition, SwiftUI’s built-in automatic support for things such as dark mode, localization and accessibility, along with Xcode 11 support for drag-and-drop design and instant preview makes it easier to build apps than ever before.
2021-04-24 09:28:46 100.49MB swift swiftui