std::bitset bs;
/** @defgroup Bitset Bitset位集类
* @{
class CORE_API Bitset: public Serializable {
typedef typename uint32_t _Ty;
static const int _Bitsperword = (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(_Ty));
_Ty * _Array; //最低位放在[0]位置,每位的默认值为0
int _Bits;//最大有效的Bit个数
int calculateWords()const;
void tidy(_Ty _Wordval = 0);
void trim();
_Ty getWord(size_t _Wpos)const;
Bitset(int nBits);
virtual ~Bitset();
Bitset(unsigned long long _Val);
Bitset(const Bitset & b);
Bitset(const char * str);
Bitset(const std::string & str, size_t _Pos, size_t _Count);
size_t size()const;
size_t count() const;
bool subscript(size_t _Pos) const;
bool get(size_t pos) const;
void set(size_t _Pos, bool _Val = true);
unsigned long long to_ullong() const;
bool test(size_t _Pos) const;
bool any() const;
bool none() const;
bool all() const;
std::string to_string() const;
Bitset& operator = (const Bitset& b);
Bitset& operator = (unsigned long long ull);
bool operator [] (const size_t pos);
bool operator == (const Bitset & b);
bool operator != (const Bitset & b);
Bitset operator<>(size_t _Pos) const;
bool operator > (const Bitset & c)const;
bool operator < (const Bitset & c)const;
Bitset& operator &=(const Bitset& _Right);
Bitset& operator|=(const Bitset& _Right);
Bitset& operator^=(const Bitset& _Right);
Bitset& operator<>=(size_t _Pos);
Bitset& flip(size_t _Pos);
Bitset& flip();
Bitset& reverse();
Bitset left(size_t n) const;
Bitset right(size_t n) const;
size_t find (const Bitset & b) const;
size_t find(unsigned long long & b) const;
size_t find(const char * b) const;
size_t find(const std::string & b) const;
bool is_prefix(unsigned long long & b) const;
bool is_prefix(const char * b) const;
bool is_prefix(const std::string & b) const;
bool is_prefix(const Bitset & b) const;
void clear();
void resize(size_t newSize);
void reset(const unsigned char * flags, size_t s);
void reset(unsigned long long _Val);
void reset(const char * _Str);
void reset(const std::string & _Str, size_t _Pos, size_t _Count);
//extendBits=false "1101" 左移动2位 "0100";
//extendBits=true "1101" 左移动2位 "110100";
Bitset leftShift(size_t n,bool extendBits=false)const;
//extendBits=false "1101" 右移动2位 "0011";
//extendBits=true "1101" 右移动2位 "001101";
Bitset rightShift(size_t n, bool extendBits = false) const;
virtual uint32_t getByteArraySize();
// returns the size of the required byte array.
virtual void loadFromByteArray(const unsigned char * data);
// load this object using the byte array.
virtual void storeToByteArray(unsigned char ** data, uint32_t& length) ;
// store this object in the byte array.