Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots,中文清晰版,经典的机器人学习书籍
2019-12-21 22:06:54 113B robotics autonomous
2019-12-21 21:34:17 2.75MB robots
Introduce to autonomous mobile robots, Rolland Siegwart IIIah R. Nourabakhsh.
2019-12-21 20:43:46 35.67MB ROS 移动机器人
Raibert 大神的著名作品,做legged robot。
2019-12-21 20:27:19 8MB robot
机器人轨迹生成经典书籍 This book deals with the problems related to planning motion laws and trajectories for the actuation system of automatic machines, in particular for those based on electric drives, and robots. The problem of planning suitable trajectories is relevant not only for the proper use of these machines, in order to avoid undesired effects such as vibrations or even damages on the mechanical structure, but also in some phases of their design and in the choice and sizing of the actuators. This is particularly true now that the concept of “electronic cams” has replaced, in the design of automatic machines, the classical approach based on “mechanical cams”. The choice of a particular trajectory has direct and relevant implications on several aspects of the design and use of an automatic machine, like the dimensioning of the actuators and of the reduction gears, the vibrations and efforts generated on the machine and on the load, the tracking errors during the motion execution. For these reasons, in order to understand and appreciate the peculiarities of the different techniques available for trajectory planning, besides the mathematical aspects of their implementation also a detailed analysis in the time and frequency domains, a comparison of their main properties under different points of view, and general considerations related to their practical use are reported.
2019-12-21 20:19:58 13.35MB Trajectory 轨迹规划 机器人
2019-12-21 19:49:51 166KB java Robocode robot 复旦
Serge Kernbach 的《 Handbook of collective robotics fundamentals and challenges 》,讲解了collective机器人的方案,挑战,应用,适合多机器人,swarm方向的同学查看使用
2019-12-21 19:28:55 19.76MB swarm multi-robot collective robots
2019-12-21 18:54:23 13.95MB 轨迹规划