2021-09-06 12:07:03 211.91MB c++编程 C++编程 C++编程 C++编程
The C Programming Language, second edition 英文版 PDF
2021-09-05 00:54:36 22.81MB C second edition
附件是英文版的。 这是 Bjarne Stroustrup 的一篇论文。要小心,因为这非常困难。
2021-09-03 18:08:03 251KB c++
the C programming language (中文版+英文版+习题答案) 就是这样。 嘿嘿,真的不错哦,亲~~ @@人品保证!!~
2021-09-02 22:54:36 3.57MB the C programminglanguage 中文版
The C Programming Language 中文版(第2版.新版)
2021-09-02 22:37:57 8.36MB c语言
Programming Language Pragmatics, Fourth Edition is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. It is distinguished and acclaimed for its integrated treatment of language design and implementation, with an emphasis on integration that is supported by a central focus on programming language design., The book provides readers with a solid foundation for understanding the most important issues driving software development today, and this l atest edition is complete with new material and numerous updates, including added content on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, and new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures., Provides new material on interpretation, including expanded coverage of OCaml, Contains new material on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, New chapters are devoted to type systems and composite types, Includes updated and re-worked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, Presents new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures
2021-09-02 06:13:49 5.66MB 软件工程
2021-09-01 00:37:52 6.12MB formal semantics
《The C Programming Language》,是由著名的计算机科学家Brian W. Kernighan和C语言之父的Dennis M. Ritchie合著的一部计算机科学著作,是第一部介绍C语言编程方法的书籍。它是一本必读的程序设计语言方面的参考书。它在C语言的发展和普及过程中起到了非常重要的作用,被视为是C语言的业界标准规范,而且至今仍然广泛使用。它也被公认为计算机技术著作的典范,以清晰简洁的文字讲述而著称。书中用"hello world"为实例开始讲解程序设计,也已经成为程序设计语言图书的传统。 本书的讲述深入浅出,配合典型例证,通俗易懂,实用性强,适合作为大专院校计算机专业或非计算机专业的C语言教材,也可以作为从事计算机相关软硬件开发的技术人员的参考书。 在计算机发展的历史上,没有哪一种程序设计语言像C语言这样应用如此广泛。
2021-08-31 16:49:23 1.1MB C语言 C
约1000页的原文C/C++之电子书(one pdf file),是本很实用的参考书。另外在书的后面还附有由C语言过渡到C++的差异,另亦付物件导向程式的说明
2021-08-28 22:33:43 2.48MB C/C++參考電子書
Kernighan和Ritchie的《The C Programming Language》(中译名《C程序设计语言》)第2版(新版)【计算机科学经典著作】