2022-07-28 09:01:15 6MB win11 安卓子系统 adb
汽车编程-Using the TASKING Software Platform for AURIX.pdf
2022-07-27 17:04:20 399KB 汽车编程
介绍 FDBus是一个易于使用,重量轻且高性能的IPC框架。 它类似于DBus或SOME/IP ,但是具有自己的特征: 分布式:与DBus不同,它没有中央集线器。 客户和服务对象直接连接 高性能:端点之间可以直接对话 按名称寻址:服务可通过逻辑名称寻址 地址分配:服务地址是动态分配的 联网:主机内部和整个网络之间的通信 IDL和代码生成:建议使用Google协议缓冲区 语言绑定:C ++ C Java Python 总的解决方案:它不只是IPC 。 它更像是一个中间件开发框架 通知中心:除分布式服务外,还支持MQTT等集中式通知中心 记录和调试:所有FDBus消息都可以被过滤和记录。 可以监视服务; 可以列出已连接的客户端... 可以在以下字段中找到其用法: 信息娱乐; 组合仪表,TBox和其他具有posix兼容OS的ECU正在运行 虚拟机管理程序中来宾OS之间的VM间通信 SO
2022-07-22 17:07:34 1.69MB platform ipc soa C++
2022-07-20 20:04:08 3.61MB 8155 高通
2022-07-20 20:04:06 760KB 8155 高通
Android SDK 平台工具是 Android SDK 的一个组件。 它包含与 Android 平台进行交互的工具,例如 adb、fastboot 和 systrace。开发 Android 应用时需要使用这些工具。如果您想要解锁设备的引导加载程序并为其刷入新的系统映像,则同样需要使用这些工具。 虽然这些工具中的某些新功能仅适用于最新版的 Android,但这些工具是向后兼容的,因此您只需要一个版本的 SDK Platform-Tools。
2022-07-15 10:12:10 4.75MB android adb fastboot systrace
OneMap Platform v2.0 产品
2022-07-14 14:03:26 124KB 互联网
适用于玩家的紧凑型 2D 角色控制器,以碰撞检测、坡度处理、移动、跳跃、自动行走/奔跑和越墙进行了完善,也就是超级马里奥奔跑、双跳(以及你想要的跳跃次数)、攀爬、 沿壁架悬挂和拉拽、悬垂、喷气背包、武器(近战和投掷)、组合武器、飞行、时间控制、滑行、游泳、猛冲(水平和垂直)、伤害性猛冲、推、拉、被压、物品的携带和投掷、奔跑、爬行、仰视、俯视、承受跌落伤害、在拉索上滑行、角色切换等等。轻松地通过检视面板控制和调整自己的角色。游戏中随附了各种示例以帮助你入门,同时还附带了视频教程和完整的文档。
2022-07-11 12:07:29 299.39MB Unity 2D 3D Platform
A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security is a straight-forward primer for developers. It shows security and TPM concepts, demonstrating their use in real applications that the reader can try out. Simply put, this book is designed to empower and excite the programming community to go out and do cool things with the TPM. The approach is to ramp the reader up quickly and keep their interest.A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security explains security concepts, describes the TPM 2.0 architecture, and provides code and pseudo-code examples in parallel, from very simple concepts and code to highly complex concepts and pseudo-code. The book includes instructions for the available execution environments and real code examples to get readers up and talking to the TPM quickly. The authors then help the users expand on that with pseudo-code descriptions of useful applications using the TPM. What you’ll learn TPM 2.0 architecture fundamentals, including changes from TPM 1.2 TPM 2.0 security concepts Essential application development techniques A deep dive into the features of TPM 2.0 A primer on the execution environments available for application development. Learn as you go! Who this book is for Application software developers, OS developers, device-driver developers, and embedded-device specialists, who will benefit from mastering TPM 2.0 capabilities and building their own applications quickly. This book will give them the tools they need to experiment with and understand the technology. Software architects who need to understand the security guarantees provided by TPMs Managers who fund the projects that use TPMs. Non-technical users who may want to know why TPMs are on their computers and how to make use of them.
2022-07-04 01:54:27 5.34MB TPM 可信计算 Trused Computing
Android SDK Platform-Tools 是 Android SDK 的一个组件。 它包含与 Android 平台进行交互的工具,主要是 adb 和 fastboot。 调用软件包管理器 https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb#pm
2022-06-27 19:08:23 25.44MB android adb fastboot