加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)电气工程系刘佳明教授的顶级大作。建议从事光纤,光波导,激光,光电子器件设计等方面的研究人员以及学生下载。 Photonic devices lie at the heart of the communications revolution, and have become a large and important part of the electronic engineering field, so much so that many colleges now treat this as a subject in its own right. With this in mind, the author has put together a unique textbook covering every major photonic device, and striking a careful balance between theoretical and practical concepts. The book assumes a basic knowledge of optics, semiconductors, and electromagnetic waves; many of the key background concepts are reviewed in the first chapter. Devices covered include optical fibers, couplers, electro-optic devices, magneto-optic devices, acousto-optic devices, nonlinear optical devices, optical amplifiers, lasers, light-emitting diodes, and photodetectors. Problems are included at the end of each chapter and a solutions set is available. The book is ideal for senior undergraduate and graduate courses, but being device-driven it is also an excellent reference for engineers.
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EDFA Amplifier 长距离传输链 和 光互连的 interconnection MATLAB 代码
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本PDF为《Optical of the Atmosphere-Scattering by molecules and Particles》McCartney, E. J.所著原版,详细介绍了大气散射物理模型的推导过程,分享给大家。
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Optical Metamaterials Fundamentals and Applications This book deals with optical metamaterials – artificially structured materials with nanoscale inclusions and strikingly unconventional properties at optical frequencies. These materials can be treated as macroscopically homogeneous media and can exhibit a variety of unusual and exciting responses to light. Man-made materials with subwavelength inclusions have been purposely utilized by artists and craftsmen for centuries, as indicated by a number of glass vessels ranging from the late Roman era to the Renaissance period. However, optical metamaterials have flourished only in the present century thanks to combined advances in nanofabrication, numerical modeling, and characterization tools. In only a few years, the field of optical metamaterials has emerged as one of the most exciting topics in the science of light, with stunning and unexpected outcomes that have repeatedly fascinated researchers, scientists, and even the general public.
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