福昕PDF编辑器(Foxit PDF Editor)印刷转曲,加角线,文字改!下载吧
2021-03-04 00:29:13 3.13MB 印刷转曲
2021-03-03 17:00:27 63.42MB foxit
福昕PDF阅读器(Foxit Reader)是福昕公司推出的首款简体中文版本PDF文档阅读器,它的启动速度是很快的,是一款非常好用的软件。福昕PDF阅读器(Foxit Reader)是用户信赖的阅读器,操作非常简单,非常实用。福昕PDF阅读器(Foxit Reader)特色功能很多,值得大家下载
2021-01-28 04:00:40 557.92MB 解压即用
Foxit PDF Reader V2.3 经典版本
2021-01-28 00:48:33 5.66MB Foxit PDF Reader PDFReader
著名的PDF编程插件16.13版本,带sn,支持Delphi 10.3 Rio Quick PDF Library for Windows ActiveX – ActiveX COM for Windows development supports C#, Visual C++, C++ Builder, Delphi, Visual Basic, PHP, Python, Java, PowerBASIC and more. 32-bit and 64-bit versions. DLL – Dynamically-linked library for Windows development supports C, Visual C++, C++ Builder, C#, Visual Basic, Pytho n and more. 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Delphi – DCUs and optionally source code for development using all versions of Delphi including 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, and 10.2 . 32-bit and 64-bit versions. LIB – Statically-linked library for Windows development supports C and C++. 32-bit only. 64-bit coming soon. Quick PDF Library for Mac Dylib – Xcode Dynamic Library for Mac development using Objective-C, Swift, C, C++ and Python. 32-bit and 64-bit. Delphi – DCUs for development using Delphi XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, and 10.2 on Windows to generate apps for the Mac operating system. 32-bit only. Quick PDF Library for iOS iOS Static Lib – iOS Static Lib for Apple iOS development using Objective-C, Swift, C, C++ and more. 32-bit and 64-bit. Quick PDF Library for Android Android Static and Dynamic Lib – Android (API 15, Android 4.0.3 or newer) Static and Dynamic Lib. Android Studio and Visual Studio samples provided. 32-bit and 64-bit. Quick PDF Library for Linux Linux – 64-bit operating system Ubuntu – version 16 and later CentOS – version 6 and later Debian – version 8 and later
2020-01-03 11:20:21 177.11MB Foxit Debenu Library Quick
Foxit Reader SDK ActiveX 3.0.1(附带接口说明文档) 破解版 无水印 可查看多页PDF 打开PDF快速,支持不预览PDF打印,省空间只要一个ocx,此文件为二次开发人员使用,用VS2013工具箱-->选择项-->Com组件-->点浏览 找到这个FoxitReader_AX_Pro.ocx 就会在工具箱出现此控件了,然后托到窗体上就可以用了。 打开预览PDF:axFoxitReaderSDK1.OpenFile(fileName,""); 打印PDF:PDFPrinter pdfPrint = axFoxitReaderSDK1.Printer; pdfPrint.PrintWithDialog();(带设置打印机)pdfPrint.PrintQuiet()(不带设置打印机)
2019-12-21 22:19:59 4.12MB Foxit Reader SDK 破解版
集pdf阅读、编辑(绝对比外挂版的Foxit PDF edit好用)、页面顺序调整等为一体……
2019-12-21 21:59:31 10.69MB Foxit PDF reader
Foxit PDF Printer 虚拟打印机 任何可打印内容转为PDF文件
2019-12-21 21:16:17 525KB Foxit PDF Printer 虚拟打印机
1.个人不喜欢中文版的左顶端“福昕标志”,故上传了英文版分享。如果喜欢中文界面的话,可以点击TOOLS--Preference--Language--Choose Custom Language--Chinese-simplified。 2.喜欢安装版的,也提供了英文原版的安装程序,然后用绿色版的里面文件fpdfcjk.bin、lang_zh_cn.xml复制到安装目录*\Foxit Reader,就齐全了。 3.如果想对pdf文件内图像格式的文字进行复制的话(即文字识别功能),建议安装adobe acrobat。我是两个软件都装,平时用foxit,小巧美观,需要文字识别再用acrobat。
2019-12-21 20:59:46 14.57MB Foxit Reader v4.3英文版 绿色
福昕阅读器 (Foxit Reader) 简体中文版
2019-12-21 20:25:17 10.82MB PDF 阅读器