This book is for both hardware and software engineers who are interested in the ARM Cortex™-M3 processor. The Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual (TRM) and the ARMv7-M Architecture Application Level Reference Manual already provide lots of information on this processor, but they are very detailed and can be challenging for novice readers. This book is intended to be a lighter read for programmers, embedded product designers, systemon- chip (SoC) engineers, electronics enthusiasts, academic researchers, and others who are investigating the Cortex-M3 processor, with some experience of microcontrollers or microprocessors. The text includes an introduction to the architecture, an instruction set summary, examples of some instructions, information on hardware features, and an overview of the processor’s advanced debug system. It also provides application examples, including basic steps in software development for the Cortex-M3 processor using ARM tools as well as the Gnu’s Not Unix tool chain. This book is also suitable for engineers who are migrating their software from ARM7TDMI to the Cortex-M3 processor because it covers the differences between the two processors, and the porting of application software from the ARM7TDMI to the Cortex-M3.
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ARM Cortex-M0微控制器深度实战
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基于ARM  Cortex-A9字符识别系统设计
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本书首先讲解了cortex-m3处理器的架构及realview mdk开发平台的相关知识,然后对μc/os-ⅱ的内核移植、驱动开发、应用程序开发进行了介绍,最后综合运用所学知识介绍了一个μc/os-ⅱ的程序设计实例。本书内容由浅入深,为加深理解,列举了很多程序设计的相关实例。本书适合嵌入式初学者、嵌入式开发人员以及高校相关专业师生阅读。
2021-12-15 15:33:30 3.73MB uCOS-II Cortex-M3 嵌入式开发 arm-cortex
gem5_arm8 ARM Cortex-A8 处理器的 gem5 模型 我是 Andrés Gallego,我的研究是关于计算机体系结构的。 可以在此 repo 上找到使用 gem5 的内存层次结构建模、对 Cortex-A8 等有序处理器的仿真以及一些有关使用 qemu 等模拟器的教程。 希望你喜欢它! 为了运行模拟器,您应该按照 中的说明进行编译,然后运行 ​​ 脚本来实现对 ARM Cortex A8 的全系统模拟。 它可以运行与在真实硬件中相同的基准测试,启动 Ubuntu 或任何嵌入式系统的操作系统,并通过串行控制台连接以查看结果。
2021-12-12 18:23:04 12.33MB C++