符合国内习惯的货币编辑控件,DELPHI XE以后的版本,请自行修改源码
2022-02-07 13:02:32 458KB SncSoft delphi
DCU DeCompiler V5.4 对DCU、DCP文件进行反编译,产生非常接近Pascal形式的代码,当然具体代码是汇编代码。虽然本工具不能提取完整的Pascal源码,但是提取的单元接口几乎是正确的。 此版本支持: Delphi 2.0-8.0 Delphi 2005-2006/Turbo Delphi (.net and WIN32) Delphi 2007-2010 (WIN32) Delphi XE (WIN32)/XE2-XE8(含2至8版本) Delphi 10/10.1/10.2 Kylix 1.0-3.0.
2022-02-06 11:02:29 713KB Delphi 反编译
TRichView16源码+ScaleRichView7全部源码FULLSOURCE 支持D4~D2010, XE~XE8 ScaleRichView ScaleRichView SRVControls TRichView RichViewActions RvHtmlImporter RvXml TRichView TRichView16源码+ScaleRichView7全部源码FULLSOURCE 支持D4~D2010, XE~XE8
2022-01-29 08:12:29 23.74MB TRichView16 Scale
来自于俄罗斯网站,因为CSDN上传文件大小限制,这个是用于XEXE2、XE3的,其它版本用的请详看本人其它资源。 FastReport Enterprise v4.15.6 for XE-XE3 installer Current version: Build : 4.15.6 Date: Jan 22, 2014 version 4.15 --------------- - fixed memory leaks in font packing subsystem + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 support + Added Internal components for FireDac database engine + fixed bug with images in PDF export for OSX viewers + Added ability to set font charset to default in Style Editor - fixed duplex problem when printing several copies of the report - fixed problem with PNG images - fixed problem with TfrxPictureView transparent
2022-01-24 15:28:27 63.74MB FastReport Enterprise v4.15.6 XE-XE3
2022-01-21 10:56:14 50MB vtune Amplifier 注册码 性能分析
修改flcop提供的代码,以适应Delphi xe10环境,版权归flcop所有
2022-01-20 15:33:08 36KB Delphi XE
从盒子,csdn下了几个修改版本都有问题.有的 TASqlite3Table使用unicode正常,但 TASqlite3Query又不正常,有的反之. 花了一天.修改. procedure GetFieldInfo(FieldInfo: string; var FieldType: TFieldType; 设置数据 procedure TASQLite3BaseQuery.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer); function TASQLite3DB.SQLite3_ExecSQL(TheStatement: string; Fields : TFields): integer; 具体修改说明可以参见 http://www.360doc.com/showweb/0/0/319640034.aspx. 测试 TASqlite3Table,TASqlite3Query使用unicode正常, 中文模糊查询,中文路径正常.
2022-01-15 11:17:02 273KB ASqlite3 Delphi xe 中文
Fastnet 组件,经测试可用于Delphi XE 10.3。正常使用。需要的可以下载
2022-01-14 12:55:25 210KB Fastnet
odac 9.4.14 professional Retail for delphi XE bpl版,正式版,非试用版
2022-01-13 23:28:06 5.54MB odac 9.4 delphi xe
The IDE sometimes disables the editor’s undo system to do some text extractions. In combination with a disabled “Keep trailing blanks” and/or an active “Optimal fill” this could cause the undo system to become out of sync with the editor content. IDE Fix Pack turns on/off those options when undo is temporarily disabled so that no unexpected automatic editor buffer changes happen. Especially Delphi 2009 is affected by this, newer versions fixed (almost?) all of these gaps.
2022-01-13 22:49:48 178KB IDEFixPack Delphi