2021-06-21 11:35:36 446KB tradingView
2021-06-08 19:43:52 3.26MB 量化交易
by Stefan Jansen Packt Publishing 2018-12-31 684 pages Explore effective trading strategies in real-world markets using NumPy, spaCy, pandas, scikit-learn, and Keras Key Features Implement machine learning algorithms to build, train, and validate algorithmic models Create your own algorithmic design process to apply probabilistic machine learning approaches to trading decisions Develop neural networks for algorithmic trading to perform time series forecasting and smart analytics Book Description The explosive growth of digital data has boosted the demand for expertise in trading strategies that use machine learning (ML). This book enables you to use a broad range of supervised and unsupervised algorithms to extract signals from a wide variety of data sources and create powerful investment strategies. This book shows how to access market, fundamental, and alternative data via API or web scraping and offers a framework to evaluate alternative data. You'll practice the ML work?ow from model design, loss metric definition, and parameter tuning to performance evaluation in a time series context. You will understand ML algorithms such as Bayesian and ensemble methods and manifold learning, and will know how to train and tune these models using pandas, statsmodels, sklearn, PyMC3, xgboost, lightgbm, and catboost. This book also teaches you how to extract features from text data using spaCy, classify news and assign sentiment scores, and to use gensim to model topics and learn word embeddings from financial reports. You will also build and evaluate neural networks, including RNNs and CNNs, using Keras and PyTorch to exploit unstructured data for sophisticated strategies. Finally, you will apply transfer learning to satellite images to predict economic activity and use reinforcement learning to build agents that learn to trade in the OpenAI Gym. What you will learn Implement machine learning techniques to solve investment and trading problems Leverage market, fundamental
2021-05-21 19:23:18 58.67MB AI Algorithmic Trading
股票预测模型,收集用于股票预测的机器学习和深度学习模型,包括交易机器人和模拟。 目录 内容 楷模 LSTM LSTM双向 LSTM 2路径 格鲁 双向GRU GRU 2路径 香草 香草双向 香草2路径 LSTM Seq2seq LSTM双向Seq2seq LSTM Seq2seq VAE GRU Seq2seq GRU双向Seq2seq GRU Seq2seq VAE 注意是您所需要的 CNN-Seq2seq 扩张的CNN-Seq2seq 奖金 如何使用模型之一来预测t + N , 共识,如何使用情感数据预测t + N , 用于减小尺寸的深度前馈自动编码器神经网络+深
2021-04-11 13:26:14 15.56MB deep-learning monte-carlo trading-bot lstm
2021-04-08 21:28:07 3KB 系统开源
151 Trading Strategies,151个量化交易策略
2021-04-08 21:01:36 1.69MB 量化 量化分析 量化交易
算法和高频交易 主要是最佳执行策略 重现ÁlvaroCartea,Sebastian Jaimungal和JoséPenalva所著的“算法和高频交易”一书的结果。 此回购协议是使用Wolfram语言实现的。 有关上述书籍的更多信息,请参阅 有关Wolfram语言的更多信息,请参考
2021-03-30 02:57:00 9.2MB Mathematica
使用Python进行算法交易 克里斯·康兰(Chris Conlan)的《 Python算法交易》(2020)的源代码。 可以购买平装本。 有用的资源 无论有没有附带的书,这些独立的资源对于研究人员都是有用的。该存储库中的其余材料取决于书中给出的解释和上下文。 用于评估交易策略的绩效指标: 纯熊猫的常见技术指标: 将常见技术指标转换为三元信号: 用于数值优化的通用网格搜索包装器: 用于投资组合模拟的面向对象的构建基块: 用于多核重复K折交叉验证的通用包装器: 免费使用的模拟EOD库存数据和替代数据流:
2021-03-27 19:43:02 4.8MB Python
symlistfeed交易数据 根目录及其子目录中的所有* .json文件均由symlistfeed应用程序加载。 结果,此仓库中的所有* .json文件都应采用有效的符号列表格式
2021-03-22 18:09:59 568KB
比特币套利交易机器人 python监控和交易机器人,利用不同加密货币交易所之间的价差。 能力 监控交易所之间的点差(例如Gdax,Bitfinex,Bitstamp等) 可配置多种货币对(例如,BTC / EUR,ETH / USD等) 通过不同的通知渠道(例如,Pushbullet,Mail等),以点差阈值(例如,点差> 200€)进行通知 配置点差阈值的自动交易(部分实现) 存储历史点差并通过Web UI使其可用 高度可(货币对,每个通知通道或交易的阈值,历史数据等) 支持以下交易所 Bitstamp (USD) Paymium (EUR) BTC-e (USD, EUR) Bitfinex (USD) Kraken (USD, EUR) OkCoin (CNY) CampBX (USD) Gemini (USD) BTCC (CNY) Coinbase Exchange (USD) Haobtc (CNY) Huobi (CNY)
2021-03-17 11:04:11 59KB bitcoin bitcoin-arbitrag trading-bot