This book grew out of a need for an introductory level technical text on the basic aspects of communication electronic warfare (EW) systems. EW as a topical area consists of many aspects and probably the area treated least in detail is communication EW systems.
2022-11-08 09:05:10 5.75MB Electronic Warfare
MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security Lecture Notes
2022-11-08 00:15:14 183KB mit 6.585 安全
This article provides an overview of recent developments in mainmemory database systems. With growing memory sizes and memory prices dropping by a factor of 10 every 5 years, data having a “primary home” in memory is now a reality. Main-memory databases eschew many of the traditional architectural pillars of relational database systems that optimized for disk-resident data. The result of these memory-optimized designs are systems that feature several innovative approaches to fundamental issues (e.g., concurrency control, query processing) that achieve orders of magnitude performance improvements over traditional designs. Our survey covers five main issues and architectural choices that need to be made when building a high performance main-memory optimized database: data organization and storage, indexing, concurrency control, durability and recovery techniques, and query processing and compilation. We focus our survey on four commercial and research systems: H-Store/VoltDB, Hekaton, HyPer, and SAP HANA. These systems are diverse in their design choices and form a representative sample of the state of the art in main-memory database systems. We also cover other commercial and academic systems, along with current and future research trends.
2022-11-04 17:58:33 3.03MB c++ memory
Database Systems Design, Implementation & Management, 13th-Carlos Coronel(2018).pdf
2022-11-03 16:03:32 52.29MB database
Low complexity ZF detection algorithm for Massive MIMO systems
2022-11-02 06:31:55 232KB 研究论文
线性多智能体系统的分布式包含控制,温广辉, 胡国强,本文研究了有向通信拓扑下的线性多智能体系统的分布式包含控制问题。为了实现包含控制任务,本文首先设计了一类静态分布式通信协��
2022-10-30 14:26:15 203KB Distributed control containment control
Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits and Gates to C and Beyond.pdf 2nd Edition [English] 本书是计算机系统概论的英文原版,计算机科学的经典基础教材。全书以自底向上方法帮助学生理解计算机系统的原理,前半部分阐述了计算机底层结构,后半部分讲解了高级语言编程及编程方法学,主要内容包括数据类型及其运算、数字逻辑、冯·诺伊曼模型、汇编语言、输入和输出、TRAP程序和子程序、C语言编程等内容。 本书可用作高等院校计算机及相关专业学生的入门教材,也可作为的计算机专业人土和高级程序员的参考用书。 作者:(美)派特(Patt.Y.N.),(美)派特尔(Patel,S.J.)
2022-10-29 19:53:28 13.11MB Computing System
2022-10-27 14:55:35 4.55MB cell mapping
Database Systems:A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management;4th Edition 数据库系统:设计、实现与管理 第四版
2022-10-26 23:12:30 39.21MB 数据库系统
Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB" covers standard material for an introduction to dynamical systems theory. The text deals with both discrete and continuous systems. There are applications in mechanical systems, chemical kinetics, electric circuits, interacting species, economics, nonlinear optics, biology, neural networks and materials science, for example. These MATLAB programs have been written to supplement the textbook, and give the reader a real hands-on experience. The text is aimed at senior undergraduates, graduate students, and working scientists in industry. The book has been published by Birkhauser in July 2004. Table of Contents of the book (contents.txt) and the M-file and Simulink model file index (index.txt) can be read on
2022-10-26 21:00:54 162KB Dynamical Systems;