Bentham Science药学期刊数据库介绍
2022-06-03 11:03:56 1.76MB 数据库 文档资料 database
2022-06-01 23:13:26 4.59MB science;数字半色调;加网;
数据会议 :clinking_beer_mugs: _ .- ' ) ( ' .( OO )_ ,--. .- ' ),-----. .- ' ),-----. ,--. ,--.) | | .- ' ) ( OO ' .-. ' ( OO ' .-. ' | `. ' | | | OO )/ | | | | / | | | ||
目录网盘文件永久链接 1. 计算机早期历史-Early Computing 2. 电子计算机-Electronic Computing 3. 布尔逻辑 和 逻辑门-Boolean Logic & Logic Gates 4. 二进制-Representing Numbers and Letters with Binary 5. 算术逻辑单元-How Computers Calculate-the ALU 6. 寄存器 & 内存-Registers and RAM 7. 中央处理器(CPU) 8. 指令和程序 9. 高级CPU设计-Advanced CPU Designs 10. 早期的编程方式-Early Programming 11. 编程语言发展史-The First Programming Languages 12. 编程原理-语句和函数-Programming Basics - Statements & Functions 13. 算法入门 - Intro to Algorithms 14. 数据结构-Data Structures 15. .........
2022-05-26 14:04:46 345B 综合资源 计算机
The book consists chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Contents 1 Application of GATES and MATLAB for Resolution of Equilibrium, Metastable and Non-Equilibrium Electrolytic Systems 2 From Discrete to Continuous Gene Regulation Models – A Tutorial Using the Odefy Toolbox 3 Systematic Interpretation of High-Throughput Biological Data 4 Hysteresis Voltage Control of DVR Based on Unipolar PWM 5 Modeling & Simulation of Hysteresis Current Controlled Inverters Using MATLAB 6 84 Pulse Converter, Design and Simulations with Matlab 7 Available Transfer Capability Calculation 8 Multiuser Systems Implementations in Fading Environments 9 System-Level Simulations Investigating the System-on-Chip Implementation of 60-GHz Transceivers for Wireless Uncompressed HD Video Communications 10 Low-Noise, Low-Sensitivity Active-RC Allpole Filters Using MATLAB Optimization 11 On Design of CIC Decimators 12 Fractional Delay Digital Filters 13 On Fractional-Order PID Design 14 Design Methodology with System Generator in Simulink of a FHSS Transceiver on FPGA 15 Modeling and Control of Mechanical Systems in Simulink of Matlab 16 Generalized PI Control of Active Vehicle Suspension Systems with MATLAB 17 Control Laws Design and Validation of Autonomous Mobile Robot Off-Road Trajectory Tracking Based on ADAMS and MATLAB Co-Simulation Platform 18 A Virtual Tool for Computer Aided Analysis of Spur Gears with Asymmetric Teeth 19 The Use of Matlab in Advanced Design of Bonded and Welded Joints 20 ISPN: Modeling Stochastic with Input Uncertainties Using an Interval-Based Approach 21 Classifiers of Digital Modulation Based on the Algorithm of Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Karhunen-Loeve Transform 22 Novel Variance Based Spatial Domain Watermarking and Its Comparison with DIMA and DCT Based Watermarking Counterparts 23 Quantitative Analysis of Iodine Thyroid and Gastrointestinal Tract Biokinetic Models Using MATLAB 24 Modelling and Simulation of pH Neutralization Plant Including the Process Instrumentation
2022-05-24 13:54:13 16.2MB MATLAB Science Engineering Applications
2022-05-22 00:09:59 101KB JupyterNotebook
机器学习 此存储库包含与使用 R 编程语言的营销和业务分析问题相关的项目。 机器学习可以显着提高营销绩效。 项目 1:营销活动优化 - 我们能否确定要定位的正确客户? 第一个项目的目标是提高银行的活动营销响应率。 营销部门需要了解什么是重要的。 我们如何将资源分配给更有可能响应的客户。 这是一个经典的二元分类问题。 我们有转换或未转换的客户。 在这个项目中,我通过逻辑回归和决策树来预测营销响应率。 通过此模型的输出,营销部门可以获得与过去营销活动成功转化的客户相似的客户资料。 这是我要发送给营销部门的个人资料。 Marketing should contact customers with these characteristics: 1. marital status - single 2. education - tertiary 3. had respond
科技文献检索与写作:04第三章 第四节 1 web of science简介.ppt
2022-05-20 19:07:43 390KB 科技 前端 文档资料
科技文献检索与写作:04第三章 第四节 2 web of science使用方法.ppt
2022-05-20 19:07:42 2MB 文档资料 科技 前端
科技文献检索与写作:05第四章 第二节 Elsevier Science.ppt
2022-05-20 19:07:38 794KB 文档资料 科技