小易Smalle博文:微信公众平台开发【素材管理】获取临时素材http://blog.csdn.net/oldinaction/article/details/47955557 所用代码
2021-12-30 13:52:32 2KB 微信开发 获取临时素材 sae 源代码
SAE J2980-2018.pdf
2021-12-21 12:00:38 1.77MB 功能安全
最新最全面的OBD开发中文文档《SAE J1979》赠品:不是很完整维基百科参考文档地址 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs
2021-12-20 09:20:33 725KB OBD SAE J1 中文
SAE USCAR-2-2004美国汽车连接器性能规范标准
2021-12-14 10:47:28 668KB SAE USCAR 连接器
路面车辆推荐操作规程(被采纳为美国国家标准)SAE J1939-21:(R)数据链路层 本文 档 SAE J1939 利用了带有 29 位标识符的 CAN 网络协议来描述数据链路层。对于 SAE J1939 网络,不允许定义其他的数据链路层。
2021-12-01 10:38:35 420KB 数据链路层 车辆规范
本文的目标之一是定义串行数据物理层、数据链路层以及在各种汽车电子控 制单元中所安装的介质设计标准,这个标准只需要对基本设计作最小更改就会使 ECU 和工具制造商满足多种终端用户的需求。由于高度产业化的基本设计量而达 到较低的ECU 成本,它将会使汽车原始设备制造商受益。
2021-11-26 10:28:21 2.17MB SAE J2602-1翻译
2021-11-25 17:42:49 499KB SAE-J1939-73   诊断应用层   中文
2021-11-24 10:03:12 15.41MB sae代码片段
完整的J2178文档。 This document consists of four parts, each published separately. SAE J2178-1 (Titled: Detailed Header Formats and Physical Address Assignments) describes the two allowed forms of message header formats, Single Byte and Consolidated. It also contains the physical node address range assignments for the typical sub-systems of an automobile. SAE J2178-2 (Titled: Data Parameter Definitions) defines the standard parametric data which may be exchanged on SAE J1850 (Class B) networks. The parameter scaling, ranges, and transfer functions are specified. Messages which refer to these parametric definitions shall always adhere to these parametric definitions. It is intended that at least one of the definitions for each parameter in this part matches the SAE J1979 definition. SAE J2178-3 (Titled: Frame IDs for Single Byte Forms of Headers) defines the message assignments for the single byte header format and the one byte form of the consolidated header format. SAE J2178-4 (Titled: Message Definition for Three Byte Headers) defines the message assignments for the three byte form of the consolidated header format.
2021-11-23 17:21:29 1.23MB J2178