2023-02-18 20:42:28 19.29MB ROS
velo2cam_calibration velo2cam_calibration软件为由LiDAR和摄像头设备组成的任何一对传感器实现了最新的自动校准算法[1]。 该软件以ROS软件包的形式提供。 在马德里卡洛斯三世大学开发的软件包。 设置 要安装此ROS软件包: 将存储库克隆到您的catkin_ws / src /文件夹中。 安装运行依赖项: sudo apt-get install ros--opencv-apps 建立您的工作区。 用法 有关如何使用此软件的详细说明,请参见 。 要在虚拟环境中测试算法,您可以启动我们的中包括的任何校准方案。 标定目标 下图显示了该算法使用的建议校准目标的可能实施例及其相应的尺寸图。 注意:为方便起见,可以使用其他尺寸。 如果是这样,请相应地配置节点参数。 引文 如果您在研究中使用这项工作,请考虑引用以下论文: [1]
2023-02-17 19:48:11 3.27MB automatic-calibration-algorithm C++
ROS全称为Robot Operating System ,即机器人操作系统,是机器人相关爱好者或从业者必不可少的工具。 而相比于直接查看ROS官网顺序比较杂乱且为英文的wiki tutorials,古月居的《ROS入门21讲》课程更加系统,对于初学者来说接受度会比较高,但观看视频课程和记笔记同样需要大量的时间。 本文就是博主基于古月居的《ROS入门21讲》所做的课程笔记,非常详细,是博主花了几个月时间整理,正文有95页,代码都做了非常详细的备注,非常适合新手小白快速入门~
2023-02-16 14:18:08 14.4MB 详细 可用作帮助手册 博主辛苦整理
2023-02-15 23:30:14 243.17MB autoware ROS 自动驾驶
ROS 5.18 ISO破解版,有需要的人可以下载,现在的ISO文件以及很少了
2023-02-15 18:17:30 20.34MB ROS
2023-02-13 19:55:39 8KB 网络摄像头 ros ubuntu 计算机视觉
这是第三卷!注意是第三卷!!!Building on the successful first and second volumes, this book is the third volume of the Springer book on the Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference. The Robot Operating System is evolving from year to year with a wealth of new contributed packages and enhanced capabilities. Further, the ROS is being integrated into various robots and systems and is becoming an embedded technology in emerging robotics platforms. The objective of this third volume is to provide readers with additional and comprehensive coverage of the ROS and an overview of the latest achievements, trends and packages developed with and for it. Combining tutorials, case studies, and research papers, the book consists of sixteen chapters and is divided into five parts. Part 1 presents multi-robot systems with the ROS. In Part 2, four chapters deal with the development of unmanned aerial systems and their applications. In turn, Part 3 highlights recent work related to navigation, motion planning and control. Part 4 discusses recently contributed ROS packages for security, ROS2, GPU usage, and real-time processing. Lastly, Part 5 deals with new interfaces allowing users to interact with robots. Taken together, the three volumes of this book offer a valuable reference guide for ROS users, researchers, learners and developers alike. Its breadth of coverage makes it a unique resource.
2023-02-09 09:16:18 82.75MB ros 机器人
frontier_exploration ROS节点和Costmap 2D插件层用于前沿探索 见
2023-02-08 09:06:10 47KB C++
2023-01-31 13:55:18 2KB ros 海龟绘图
2023-01-30 16:11:10 193KB CLion编译ROS工程 CLion编译ROS配置