(McGraw-Hill computer science series) Jean-Paul Tremblay, Paul G. Sorenson - The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing -Mcgraw-Hill College (1985)
2022-01-23 19:04:33 6.44MB 编译器 编译原理 编译 compiler
Java Concurrency in Practice 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-01-10 17:47:49 3.88MB Java Concurrency Practice
In September 2013, while browsing Hacker News, I stumbled across an article in Wired about a new technology called “Docker.” 1 As I read it, I became increasingly excited as I realized Docker’s revolutionary potential. The company I’d worked at for over a decade was struggling to deliver software quickly enough. Provisioning environments was a costly, time-consuming, manual, and inelegant affair. Continuous integration was barely existent, and setting up devel- opment environments was an exercise in patience. As my job title included the words “DevOps Manager,” I was peculiarly motivated to solve these problems! I recruited a couple of motivated coworkers (one of them now my coauthor) via a company mailing list, and together our skunkworks team labored to turn a beta tool into a business advantage, reducing the high costs of VM s and enabling new ways of thinking about building and deploying software. We even built and open sourced an automation tool (ShutIt) to suit our organization’s delivery needs. Docker gave us a packaged and maintained tool that solved many problems that would have been effectively insuperable had we taken it upon ourselves to solve them. This was open source at its best, empowering us to take on a challenge using our spare time, overcoming technical debt, and learning lessons daily. Lessons not only about Docker, but about continuous integration, continuous delivery, packaging, automa- tion, and how people respond to speedy and disruptive technological change. 1 http://www.wired.com/2013/09/docker/ PREFACE xviii For us, Docker is a remarkably broad tool. Wherever you run software using Linux, Docker can impact it. This makes writing a book on the subject challenging, because the landscape is as broad as software itself. The task is made more onerous by the extraordinary rate at which the Docker ecosystem is producing solutions to meet the needs that emerge from such a fundamental change in software production. Over time, the shape of problems and solutions became familiar to us, and in this book we’ve endeavored to pass on this experience. This will enable you to figure out solu- tions to your particular technical and business constraints. When giving talks at meetups, we’re struck by how quickly Docker has become effective within organizations willing to embrace it. This book mirrors how we used Docker, going from our desktops, through the DevOps pipeline, and all the way to production. As a consequence, this book is sometimes unorthodox, but as engineers we believe that purity must sometimes give way to practicality, especially when it comes to saving money! Everything in this book is based on real lessons from the field, and we hope you benefit from our hard-won experience.
2022-01-06 18:53:35 6.35MB docker
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2022-01-06 14:07:53 23.85MB 天天考试2.2.0小程序goo
OCA / OCP Practice Tests: Exam 1Z0-808 and Exam 1Z0-809 by Scott Selikoff English | 16 Mar. 2017 | ASIN: B06XQR7DVN | 600 Pages | AZW3 | 1.8 MB OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer Practice Tests complements the Sybex OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Certification Study Guide and the OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide for exams 1Z0-808 and 1ZO-809 by providing last minute review of 100% of exam objectives. Get the advantage of over 1,000 expert crafted questions that not only provide the answer, but also give detailed explanations. You will have access to unique practice questions that cover all 21 objective domains in the OCA/OCP exams in the format you desire–test questions can also be accessed via the Sybex interactive learning environment. Two additional practice exams will ensure that you are ready for exam day. Whether you have studied with Sybex study guides for your OCA/OCP or have used another brand, this is your chance to test your skills. Access to all practice questions online with the Sybex interactive learning environment Over 1,000 unique practice questions and 2 practice exams include expert explanations Covers 100% of all 21 OCA/OCP objective domains for Exams 1Z0-809 and 1Z0-809 Studying the objectives are one thing, but diving deeper and uncovering areas where further attention is needed can increase your chance of exam day success. Full coverage of all domains shows you what to expect on exam day, and accompanying explanations help you pinpoint which objectives deserve another look.
2022-01-01 02:38:36 1.8MB OCA OCP Java SE
Spatial_Data_Analysis_Theory_and_Practice_by_Robert_Haining Spatial Data Analysis: Theory and Practice provides a broad-ranging treatment of the field of spatial data analysis. It begins with an overview of spatial data analysis and the importance of location (place, context and space) in scientific and policy-related research. Covering fundamental problems concerning how attributes in geographical space are represented to the latest methods of exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial modelling, it is designed to take the reader through the key areas that underpin the analysis of spatial data, providing a platform from which to view and critically appreciate many of the key areas of the field. Parts of the text are accessible to undergraduate and master’s level students, but it also contains sufficient challenging material that it will be of interest to geographers, social scientists and economists, environmental scientists and statisticians, whose research takes them into the area of spatial analysis.
2021-12-30 09:05:29 5.78MB Spatial Analysis Theory
QTyping测试 QTypingTest是使用Qt开发的软件。 它教您如何快速键入。 您还可以练习一些随机单词以提高速度。 您可以通过统计信息标签查看进度。 您所犯的所有错误都会保存下来,并且可以使用自定义练习来训练您,特别是在这些字母上。 学 您可以从头开始,了解键盘上按键的位置。 一步步。 将显示预览,以向您显示要使用哪个手指的按键。 实践 您必须输入单词。 与学习练习的区别在于,仅存在单词。 不是随机生成的字母。 文字练习 不必键入一系列随机单词,而必须键入真实文本。 此练习是最接近现实的练习。 玩 您可以边玩耍边玩一些游戏。 统计数据 查看您进行的每种锻炼的进度。 作者 Azarias Boutin PierreThubé
2021-12-29 15:48:27 3.16MB keyboard practice exercise qt5
Python实践组合 你好 这是一系列实践Python代码和个人项目,可帮助我提高编码能力。 我的教育背景是完成航空工程学的工程学硕士学位,在此期间的最后一篇论文中,我接触了Python。 该项目涉及使用Python作为中间语言将软件程序Abaqus和MATLAB链接在一起。 目的是让Python自动充当程序多次迭代的执行者,每个迭代具有不同的参数,以模拟经过喷丸处理后的印版最终结果。 现在,我对从编程到软件开发的职业转变感兴趣,因此我希望既能提高自己对Python及其许多不同应用程序的了解,又能提高自己过去的技能。
2021-12-24 11:58:38 8KB
Handbook of Position Location: Theory, Practice and Advances书后面的Matlab源码
2021-12-23 20:45:27 771KB Matlab Position code
基于英文版epub电子版转换而成 1. A4排版后,共383页 2. 标准字体10pt,章节标题15pt 3. 调整页边距 4. 带目录 适合在PC上使用PDF阅读软件阅读.
2021-12-21 23:20:14 11.74MB NFC