PCI Express Card Electromechanical Specification 4.0 英文原版官方规范 文档版本:0.9 版本日期:November 15, 2018
2021-08-23 00:10:48 6.07MB PCIe CEM PCI Express
PCI Express Card 1 Electromechanical 2 Specification Revision 4.0, Version 1.0 contains the revisions with change bar and without change bar.
2021-08-20 17:01:30 7.97MB PCIe Specification Revision 4.0
This chapter presents an overview of the PCI Express architecture and key concepts. PCI Express is a high performance, general purpose I/O interconnect defined for a wide variety of future computing and communication platforms. Key PCI attributes, such as its usage model, load-store architecture, and software interfaces, are maintained, whereas its parallel bus implementation is replaced by a highly scalable, fully serial interface. PCI Express takes advantage of recent advances in point-to-point interconnects, Switch-based technology, and packetized protocol to deliver new levels of performance and features. Power Management, Quality of Service (QoS), Hot-Plug/hot- swap support, data integrity, and error handling are among some of the advanced features supported by PCI Express.
2021-08-19 16:47:55 18.8MB PCI_Express_Base
PHY Interface for PCI Express 3.0 specification
2021-08-18 18:02:30 278KB PIPE PHY PCIE
Express base specification revision 3.0 2010,11.10最新版本
2021-08-17 15:42:07 4.97MB PCIE PCI Express revision
PCI Express Base Specification Revision 5.0 version 1.0
2021-08-16 09:19:46 10.59MB 1.0
使用Qsys设计PCI Express This example is PCI Express in Qsys to show how easy to build PCI Express system in new Embedded system build tool, Qsys. User can build PCI Express system in a day without writing a lot of complicated connections.
2021-08-15 13:35:40 3.95MB CycloneV PCIe
本书遵循 PCI Express 基本规范的 1.0a 修订版,本书中阐述了 PCI Express 1.0a 的事务协议、物理层、电源控制、配置等相关设计要素。
2021-08-13 01:27:07 114.09MB PCI Express
内含PCI Express Base Specification Revision 4.0,包括Version 0.3和Version 1.0两个版本。
2021-08-07 14:06:30 29.39MB pci-e specification
PCI Express Base SpecificationV3.0.pdf为PCIE数据手册,其他的很蛋疼,要18分,本文档只需要5积分,好用请给好评,谢谢。
2021-08-03 15:11:04 4.79MB PCI Express Base SpecificationV3.