This book began as a collection of notes and computer examples prepared for a first-year graduate course on Fourier optics. In teaching Fourier optics over a number of years, I found that I developed a better conceptual understanding of the analytic material after setting up examples for the class on the computer. The examples required careful consideration of the sample coordinates, amplitude scaling, practical dimensions, display settings, sampling conditions, and a number of other issues.
2020-01-04 03:15:03 5.04MB MATLAB
Born M., Wolf E. Principles of optics (ISBN 0521642221) (7ed., CUP, 2005)(K)(600dpi)(T)(986s)_PEo_.djvu 没有不清晰的文字,完本
2019-12-21 22:09:23 16.77MB Principle of Optics 超清晰
2019-12-21 21:53:01 10.57MB 超快光学
Principles of Optics 7th ed M.Born,E.Wolf.pdf 光学原理 比较好的光学原理介绍书籍,内容全面丰富,几何光学 波动光学 材料光学
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Hecht E. Optics 4ed.pdf英文教材分享
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Goodman J.W. Statistical Optics英文教材分享
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内容简介: This volume features discussion of: Fundamental optics principles, including geometric, physical, and quantum optics; Optical sources (such as light emitting diodes and lasers) and detectors (including energy, waveform, and imaging detection techniques); Detection and processing by human vision; Information and image processing; Design and fabrication, including optical layout techniques and lens design programs; Optical thin film coatings; Terrestrial coatings. 页数:1664 pages 出版社: McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 edition 出版日期:(September 1, 1994) 语言: English 亚马逊:
2019-12-21 21:09:49 14.12MB optics 光学,光学手册
Mandel L., Wolf E. Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics (CUP, 1995)(ISBN 0521417112)(400dpi)(KA)(T)(1190s)_PEo_.djvu
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作者:Govind P Agrawal。本书目前最新版Govind Agrawal在美国罗彻斯特大学担任光学教授和物理学教授职位。 他之前的任命是在法国的高等理工学院,纽约的城市大学和AT&T贝尔实验室。 他是400多篇研究论文和8本书的作者或合着者。 他还参与了国际会议的规划工作,并经常在此类会议上发言。 Agrawal教授是美国光学学会和IEEE的会员。 他曾在1993年至1998年期间担任美国光学学会期刊的副主编,并从2001年至2004年担任Optics Express的副主编。他目前在OSA期刊“光学与光子学进展”编辑委员会任职。 Agrawal教授担任美国光学学会出版委员会主席,2009年也是其董事会成员,他还是2012年IEEE光子学会量子电子奖的获得者。
2019-12-21 20:51:36 32.82MB G P Agrawal