Operating Systems - Three Easy Pieces.pdf.zip
2021-12-03 23:51:33 4.6MB 操作系统
Operating System Concepts, 7th edition, 习题答案(英文)
2021-11-30 08:12:13 912KB Operating System Concepts 7th
4.3.2单元电路版图设计 图4-6至4.11依次为前置放大器、电压比较器、锁存器、三输入与门、采样保持电路、时钟输入调 节电路的电路图与相应版图。在版图设计中,尽可能使版图布局对称,以图4_6为例,电路中的电流偏 置管Mb,在版图实现时,将其拆成并行的两部分,对称的置于版图中,如图4-6版图中标识“1”的部 分;电路中的电阻尺以及输入管,分别为版图中标识“2”和“3"的部分;版图中标识“4”的部分, 为利用MOS管生成的电压偏置,以作为电路中Mb的栅极电压圪。 圪 硪 啪 v加, G树 ‰ ‰ 鬻 图4.6前置放大器电路及版图 VZ刀 elk lO D嘲 11 12 唧 13 图4.7电压比较器电路及版图 图4—8锁存器电路及版图 74
2021-11-29 17:09:18 4.9MB ADC 东南大学
第4章6位超高速全并行ADc整体及版图设计 第4章6位超高速全并行ADC整体及版图设计 本章在前面对模拟和数字两部分进行研究和设计的基础上,进一步完善对6位超高速ADc整体包 括版图在内的全部设计,并给出相应版图设计与后仿真结果。 4.1电路整体设计 超高速全并行结构ADC的具体系统结构如图4.1所示。 参考电压 输入信号 参考电压 时钟信号 bl 图4-1全并行ADC系统框图 参考电压通过分压网络产生63路参考电压,将整个参考范围划分成64段,以对应64种不同编码; 前置放大器对输入信号和参考电压的差进行放大预处理;比较器对经前置放大器放大后的两路信号进行 比较,生成温度计码并被后续锁存器锁存;比较器和前置放大器之间插入平均电阻网络,以提高电路线 性度;三输入与门阵列将温度计码转换为1.oGn码,供二进制编码电路编码;最后通过输出缓冲而生成 最终6位量化编码输出。 4.2超高速ADC版图设计 4.2.1版图金属走线方面考虑的因素 在大规模、高速集成电路设计中,由于在前仿真过程中,寄生参数、走线阻抗等实际流片中带来的 影响无法得以考虑,所以前仿真的结果可信度不足,往往会出现前仿真结果很好,但后仿结果性能下降, 甚至进而直接导致电路流片之后性能更为下降的后果,所以版图设计以及后仿真就显得十分重要。‘ 合理的版图设计,可以大大减小寄生参数带来的不利影响。对于规模较大的电路,比如全并行ADC,
2021-11-23 19:15:03 4.9MB ADC 东南大学
CPU调度器 Windows应用程序,用于模拟图形进程,在操作系统中进行调度 支持任意数量的模板,并支持6种算法: 先到先得(FCFS) 最短工作优先抢先(SJF-先行) 最短作业优先非抢占式(SJF-非抢占式) 优先抢先 优先非抢占 循环赛 怎么跑 首先,您在此页面输入程序 然后在这里选择进程数和使用的算法 在这里您可以放置​​每个过程的数据 那么您将在此处获得时间表和甘特图的输出 实作 代码分为: 1个前端: 输入形式,然后是用于选择算法的形式,然后为每组算法输入另一种形式的数据输入,这是因为有时我们需要优先级,有时需要量子时间,然后是结果表单 2后端: 每个算法都有自己的类
2021-11-22 21:17:19 14.88MB gui csharp algorithms operating-system
Created by Yuntao Qiang, for OS Class. Pls feel free to use this resource
2021-11-22 19:00:48 497KB os
MODERN OPERATING SYSTEMS THIRD EDITION The third edition of this book differs from the second edition in numerous ways. To start with, the chapters have been reordered to place the central material at the beginning. There is also now more of a focus on the operating system as the creator of abstractions. Chapter 1, which has been heavily updated, introduces all the concepts. Chapter 2 is about the abstraction of the CPU into multiple processes. Chapter 3 is about the abstraction of physical memory into address spaces (virtual memory). Chapter 4 is about the abstraction of the disk into files. Together, processes, virtual address spaces, and files are the key concepts that operating systems provide, so these chapters are now placed earlier than they previously had been. Chapter 1 has been heavily modified and updated in many places. For example, an introduction to the C programming language and the C run-time model is given for readers familiar only with Java. In Chapter 2, the discussion of threads has been revised and expanded reflecting their new importance. Among other things, there is now a section on IEEE standard Pthreads. Chapter 3, on memory management, has been reorganized to emphasize the idea that one of the key functions of an operating system is to provide the abstraction of a virtual address space for each process. Older material on memory management in batch systems has been removed, and the material on the implementation of paging has been updated to focus on the need to make it handle the larger address spaces now common and also the need for speed. Chapters 4-7 have been updated, with older material removed and some new material added. The sections on current research in these chapters have been rewritten from scratch. Many new problems and programming exercises have been added. Chapter 8 has been updated, including some material on multicore systems. A whole new section on virtualization technology, hypervisors, and virtual machines, has been add
2021-11-15 13:32:57 7.07MB OS programming
Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles ((6,7,8,9th Edition),英文原版
2021-11-15 09:24:13 37.2MB Operat
2021-11-02 00:10:04 888B roc
OSTEP-硬件 作业 要求 类似于Unix的操作系统 / , / , ,AWK Python:从书中运行模拟 :情节 :cat: C / Linux项目和内核黑客项目(xv6) 章节 虚拟化 关于CPU虚拟化的摘要对话 内存虚拟化对话 并发 坚持不懈 持久性总结对话 分配对话 执照 这项作品已获得GPLv3或更高版本的许可。
2021-11-01 18:44:47 1.36MB python c operating-system ostep