原创。详细介绍了5G NR 上变频、下变频及相位补偿,应该是目前全网能搜到的最详细的资料了,下载后不能看请移步我的主页查看https://blog.csdn.net/zzx1012151040/article/details/121125615
2021-11-04 13:01:56 144KB 5GNR 相位补偿 上变频下变频
异厂家互操作开关关闭导致NR-LTE切换失败 可能造成NR-LTE切换失败原因: 1、无线环境原因:4G or 5G无线环境差; 2、内外部干扰:目标小区强干扰(内部or外部); 3、传输故障:核查传输链路告警及Ping包; 4、参数配置问题:5-4切换相关参数配置、互操作参数配置错误、IP链路配置等; 5、基站告警:目标基站出现断站、驻波等影响业务告警; 6、设备原因:设备隐性故障或异厂家匹配问题; 经分析,失败原因为NR切换到LTE准备失败次数,LTE侧准备失败
2021-11-03 19:01:27 203KB 异厂家互操作开关关闭导致NR-L
5G-NR release 15 版本 空口仿真Matlab源码,新鲜出炉。
2021-10-31 15:10:31 276KB 5G 仿真
5G型号核准测试内容及依据标准 5G终端设备(6GHz以下频段) SA NSA 无线电发射设备型号核准测试
2021-10-28 09:57:02 21KB 5G NR 型号核准 测试
2021-10-26 22:54:01 3.6MB
这是一个估算平均信道容量的示例,其中无线信道由 5G 工具箱中提供的 Mathworks 5G CDL 模型建模。 假定为单链路 NLOS 信道。 计算信道容量,对于微波频率信号,采用MIMO复用; 对于毫米波频率信号,链路两端采用混合预编码算法。 两幅结果图和一份关于实现代码的 .pdf 说明文件上传到 GitHub,其中展示了有关模拟的详细信息。 唯一的 .m 脚本是启动程序代码。 GitHub 链接: https : //github.com/Naren920421/Capacity-Estimation-on-the-Mathworks-5G-NR-CDL-Model
2021-10-25 13:59:36 373KB matlab
This paper presents an overview of the 5G NR radio interface as specified by 3GPP. Specifically, the paper covers 5G NR in IMT2020 context, key design criteria and requirements, fundamental technology components of 5G NR,RF requirements and spectrum bands, Radio Resource Management and Link Monitoring and co-existence/sharing of 5G NR and LTE.
2021-10-23 19:51:46 3.8MB 5G NR radio interf
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research and standardization progress towards the 5th generation (5G) of mobile communications technology and beyond. It covers a wide range of topics from 5G use cases and their requirements, to spectrum, 5G end-to-end (E2E) system architecture including core network (CN), transport network (TN) and radio access network (RAN) architecture, network slicing, security and network management. It further dives into the detailed functional design and the evaluation of different 5G concepts, and provides details on planned trials and pre-commercial deployments across the globe. While the book naturally captures the latest agreements in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) New Radio (NR) Release 15, it goes significantly beyond this by describing the likely developments towards the final 5G system that will ultimately utilize a wide range of spectrum bands, address all envisioned 5G use cases, and meet or exceed the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) requirements for the year 2020 and beyond (IMT-2020). 5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research is based on the knowledge and consensus from 158 leading researchers and standardization experts from 54 companies or institutes around the globe, representing key mobile network operators, network vendors, academic institutions and regional bodies for 5G. Different from earlier books on 5G, it does not focus on single 5G technology components, but describes the full 5G system design from E2E architecture to detailed functional design, including details on 5G performance, implementation and roll-out.
2021-10-23 15:16:53 13.78MB 5G/NR
从3GPP协议和UE端行为分析5G gmm cause #10的网络问题
2021-10-18 17:02:26 153KB 网络拒绝码 nr
从3GPP协议和UE端行为分析5G gsm cause #29的网络问题
2021-10-18 17:02:16 179KB NR5G 网络拒绝码