2022-04-13 17:21:38 14KB java spring boot vue.js
一、项目运行 环境配置: Jdk1.8 + Tomcat8.5 + Mysql + HBuilderX(Webstorm也行)+ Eclispe(IntelliJ IDEA,Eclispe,MyEclispe,Sts都支持)。 项目技术: Spring + SpringMvc + mybatis + Maven + Vue 等等组成,B/S模式 + Maven管理等等。
2022-04-06 01:41:01 88.02MB java Spring Maven Vue
一、项目运行 环境配置: Jdk1.8 + Tomcat8.5 + Mysql + HBuilderX(Webstorm也行)+ Eclispe(IntelliJ IDEA,Eclispe,MyEclispe,Sts都支持)。 项目技术: Spring + SpringMvc + mybatis + Maven + Vue 等等组成,B/S模式 + Maven管理等等。
2022-04-06 01:41:00 101.08MB java Maven Vue mysql
一、项目运行 环境配置: Jdk1.8 + Tomcat8.5 + Mysql + HBuilderX(Webstorm也行)+ Eclispe(IntelliJ IDEA,Eclispe,MyEclispe,Sts都支持)。 项目技术: Spring + SpringMvc + mybatis + Maven + Vue 等等组成,B/S模式 + Maven管理等等。
2022-04-06 00:54:34 88.02MB java Spring Vue mysql
系统的讲解了spring框架,从入门到深刻理解 jsp
2022-04-05 11:17:18 2.4MB java spring框架 学习资料 pdf
简介 URule是一种纯Java规则引擎,它以RETE算法为基础,提供向导式规则集,脚本式规则集,决策表,交叉决策表(PRO版提供),决策树,评分卡及决策流共六种类型的规则定义方式,配合基于WEB的设计器,可快速实现规则的定义,维护与发布。 URule提供了两个版本:一个是基于Apache-2.0协议开源免费版本的,URule开源版本第一款基于Apache-2.0协议开源的中式规则引擎;另一个是商用PRO版本,请了解更多关于URule商业Pro版更多信息。 URULE PRO版与开源版主要功能比较 特性 URULE PRO版 URULE开源版 向导式决策集 有 有 脚本式决策集 有 有 决
2022-04-02 18:24:07 7.7MB java spring rule java-rule-engine
学习总结关于websocket内容,包括基于java的实现以及基于Spring boot集成实现
2022-03-29 11:51:56 56KB websocket 、Java 、Spring Boot
Build messaging applications using the power of Spring Boot; use Spring application events over the Web; use WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP messaging with Spring MVC; and use Spring JMS, Redis Pub/Sub and Spring AMQP for reliable messaging solutions. This book covers all the Spring Messaging APIs using Spring Boot. Written by a Pivotal engineer, Spring Boot Messaging is an authoritative guide to the many messaging APIs and how to use these for creating enterprise and integration solutions. You will learn and integrate these messaging APIs with more complex enterprise and cloud applications: for example, you will see how to use Spring Cloud Stream for creating message-driven and cloud native microservices. In addition, you’ll discover the new Spring Integration DSL and use it with Spring Cloud Stream to build integration solutions using every enterprise integration pattern. Finally, you’ll see Spring Reactor and Spring Cloud to take your application to the next level. After reading this book, you will come away with a case study application walk-through and will be able to use it as a template for building your own Spring messaging applications or messaging features within your enterprise or cloud application. What You'll Learn Use the main Spring messaging APIs with Spring Framework 5 Build messaging applications over the Web Use WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP messaging Integrate Spring JMS and Spring AMQP into your applications Work with Spring Cloud Stream and microservices Who This Book Is For Enterprise Java developers who have at least some previous experience with the Spring Framework and/or the Spring platform.
2022-03-23 23:31:42 4.94MB java spring messag
仓库管理系统,前端使用BootStrap+JQuery+JSP,后端使用Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis,数据库使用MySQL,开发平台IntelliJ IDEA+open JDK1.8 amd64
2022-03-19 14:08:57 722KB java spring mybatis mysql
2022-03-04 22:35:02 79.37MB 交通出行 JAVA spring